May 16, 2015

May 16

May 16, 2015:  Saturday, Sixth Week of Easter

  • 'Crown' tie bar  "God is king of all the earth." (psalm)
  • 'Hand' tie pin:  "Clap your hands" (psalm)
  • 'Jubilee year' button:  "Ask and you will receive, that your joy may be complete." (gospel)
  • Red in suspenders:  Pentecost novena (in progress even though we don't celebrate Ascension till tomorrow)
  • Tie with grapes:  First Communion at St. Bede today
  • White in shirt and socks:  Easter season

For tonight's choir concert at St. Bede
From the Vatican
Palestinian Saints Sr. Marie-Alphonsine Danil Ghattas, foundress of the Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary of Jerusalem, and the discalced Carmelite Maryam Baouardy (Mary of Jesus Crucified), to be canonized tomorrow:  They remind us sanctity is possible even in the most difficult of circumstances; now they pray that the Lord bring us peace and calmness, and that we return to worshipping the Almighty.  Pray, knowing that only prayer can help save our faith in the midst of trials.
Mary of Jesus Crucified was subjected to acts of extremism and an attempt on her life, seeking to force her to change her religion. She now intercedes for those being killed because of their religion. Her life and intercession urge respect for human beings and for religious and ethnic differences.
Marie-Alphonsine gained religious authorities' support to set up the first Arab religious congregation; she placed the Arab world on the map in the fields of education and religious teaching.  Her congregation helped increase the Arab role in culture, social awareness, spiritual guidance, and education, helping eliminate illiteracy in much of the Middle East.
  • Acts 18:23-28  Apollos spoke and taught accurately about Jesus, though he knew only of John's baptism.  Priscilla and Aquila took him aside and explained to him the Way of God more accurately.  He helped those who had come to believe, refuting the Jews and establishing from Scripture that the Christ is Jesus.

  • Ps 47:2-3, 8-10  "God is king of all the earth."  Shout to God with cries of gladness....

  • Jn 16:23b-28  “Whatever you ask the Father in my name he'll give you.  Ask and you'll receive, so your joy may be complete.  When I tell you clearly about the Father, you'll ask in my name.  The Father loves you, because you've loved me and believe I came from God.  Now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father.”
    • Creighton:  Apollos spoke from his education but didn't know the whole story; once he learns it, he adjusts his lectures and continues to instruct others.  He kept learning and adapting to his experience.  In today's gospel Jesus said everything changed; now we can come to the Father through Jesus....
    • One Bread One Body:  At the first Christian Pentecost, the Spirit was poured out on 120 disciples in an upper room. then on 3,000 on the streets.  Pentecost began at home for Cornelius and his household, then was extended to the ends of the earth.  Pentecost began at Priscilla and Aquila's home for Apollos; then he took the gospel to Achaia.  In the other direction, Paul started on the street and continued in Judas' home, then took Pentecost back out onto the streets.  Pentecost is home-work and road-work.  Come, Holy Spirit!
    • Passionist:  Jesus assures us he'll speak plainly to us; the Spirit will be with us and teach us plainly.  The Father loves us because we believe Jesus came from and will return to the Father.  Because we believe we'll have a new understanding in the power of prayer.  To act on this is to find joy.  The disciples can pray like Jesus and know God will hear them.  The disciples' community is shaped by love, intimacy, and mutuality.  Just as Jesus and the Father are friends united in love, so too the disciples and the Father.  The disciples will be aware of the Spirit and have a access to the Father....
    •  Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus makes it possible for his disciples to have a new relationship as children of God the Father.  Because Jesus offered his life for our redemption, we can pray to God as our Father.  The Spirit's action within us is proof of this new relationship.  In love he bids us draw near to his throne of grace and mercy....
      • John Stone, martyr: “I close my apostolate in my blood. In my death I'll find life, for I die for the defense of God's Church, infallible and immaculate.”
      • Gemma Galgani, honorary religious, "model for modern women”

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