May 21, 2019

May 21

May 21, 2019:  Tuesday, 5th week, Easter

See about a dozen connections with today?
Legend below

For the gospel
For Psalm 145
Pope Francis

Homily:  How can we reconcile Paul's tribulations and persecutions with the peace Jesus promised in the gospel?  Though a life of persecution and tribulation seems to be without peace, remember “Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter evil against you falsely on my account.”  Jesus' profound peace goes with this life of persecution, of tribulation.  No one can touch that gift, peace like a sea that's tranquil deep down despite waves on the surface.  Living in peace with Jesus is having this experience within.

This is the only way we can understand how saints lived their final moments without losing peace, going to their martyrdom like guests to a wedding.  We can't obtain such peace through human means like taking anti-anxiety drugs; it comes from the Holy Spirit within us who brings strength.  Jesus' peace teaches us to go forward, to endure.  'Endure' is a Christian word for carrying burdens.  Carry the life's burdens without losing peace; bear them with courage and go forward.  The Holy Spirit within gives us Jesus' peace.  If we get caught up in fervent nervousness and lose this peace, something isn’t working.

Face life's difficulties with this gift, not the world's false peace.  Go forward with the ability to make the heart smile.  If you live this peace, you don't lose your sense of humor; you smile at yourself and others, even when things are dark.  Humor is close to God's grace.  Jesus' peace in daily life, in tribulations, and with a sense of humor, helps us breathe easier.  May the Lord grant us this peace that helps us endure life's difficulties.

To Italian bishops:  A bishop must be close to his priests without discrimination or favoritism.  A true shepherd lives among his flock, listens, and welcomes all.  Don't just welcome nice or flattering priests.
Don't give assignments just to “climbers,” ignoring the shy, meek, or problematic.  Support, encourage, and console priests disrespected, made fun of, or condemned because of colleagues' errors.  Bishops who can't establish relationships with their priests risk ruining their mission and weakening the church's.  Everyone in the church must walk together, working to share the Gospel.  Make sure that laypeople, priests, and bishops all recognize their shared responsibility for the life of the church....

    Peace I bequeath to you
  • Acts 14:19-28  Some Jews stoned Paul and assumed him dead, but when disciples gathered around him, he got up and left to proclaim the good news elsewhere.  They returned and exhorted the disciples to persevere in the faith:  “It is necessary to undergo hardships to enter the Kingdom.”  They appointed presbyters, commended them to God, proclaimed the word on the road, then called the Church together to spend time with the disciples and report on what God had done and how he opened faith's door to the Gentiles.
  • Ps 145:10-13ab, 21 "Your friends make known, O Lord, the glorious splendor of your kingdom."  Let your works give you thanks and your faithful ones bless you.
  • Jn 14:27-31a  “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you, not as the world gives.  Don't let your hearts be troubled or afraid.  Rejoice that I'm going to the Father.  The ruler of the world is coming, but he has no power over me.  The world must know I love the Father and do as he has commanded.”
  • Fr. Brian Nunes homily videoDo our lives say we love the Father and do what he commands?  Put others' needs ahead of yours; forgive; make known the splendor of God's kingdom.
  • Creighton:  Do we carry the "Peace" of today's gospel, and the sign of peace at Mass, to our actions, say in the grocery line or at work?  To pass on the peace Jesus gives, I need to live my faith and that peace in small and large ways, being for and with others, letting other cars go ahead of me, being friendly, taking a breath when I'm irritated....  Peace takes continual action.  May we bring peace to our corner of the world and pray for it in every corner.  May God help me make peace in every way I can.
  • One Bread, One Body:  "Tough love":  Paul's tough love was encouraging beyond measure.  He headed right back to town and on mission.  When someone who was pelted with stones and judged dead says you must undergo hardships to enter God's kingdom, you take it seriously!  We're tempted to fear trials, pain, hardships, and persecution, but Jesus gives us his peace amid hardships:  "Don't be distressed or fearful."  So don't shy away from hardships for God's sake; they're they brand marks of Jesus on you that give God glory.  When the going gets tough, the tough love to get going.
  • Passionist:  How do you define success:  achieving a goal, attaining a benefit or elevated status?  The success stories in Acts are shaded by mishaps, setbacks, and difficulties.   In the 1st reading, the Jews have already won over the crowds, and Paul gets stoned and dragged out, but they make many disciples.  “It is necessary for us to undergo hardships to enter God's Kingdom” proclaims the light of grace and the shadow that's nearby.  The negative never overwhelms Luke; he's filled with faith and hope.  His faith is rooted in the experience and knowledge of Christ.  In the gospel, Jesus declares his gift of peace but also says the ruler of the world is coming.  He tells his disciples to not give into doom mentality:  “Don't let your hearts be troubled or afraid.”  Today evangelists proclaim discipleship as a road to gold and glory, and messengers of hopelessness profess a gloomy world, but our ancestors counted success in terms of God’s will.  Growth follows times of persecution as believers stay focused on “the One who has overcome the world.”  Success is more about trusting the Lord...
  •  "My peace I give to you":  The peace of Christ is more than the absence of trouble; it includes everything that makes for our highest good.  The world wants to avoid conflict and unpleasant things, but Jesus offers peace that conquers fear and anxiety.  We can receive the peace the Lord offers through, inspired by the Spirit, yielding our anger, fear, and pride to God.  The Spirit helps us in our weakness and strengthens us so we can live as Christ's disciples.  "Peace is serenity of mind, tranquility of soul, simplicity of heart, the bond of love, the fellowship of charity. It removes hatred, settles wars, restrains wrath, tramples on pride, loves the humble, pacifies the discordant, and makes enemies agree....  It doesn't seek what belongs to another or consider anything as its own.  It teaches people to love because it doesn't know how to get angry, extol itself, or become inflated with pride.  It's meek and humble to everyone, possessing rest and tranquility.  When a Christian exercises Christ's peace, Christ brings it to perfection.  All who love it will be God's heirs, while anyone who despises it rebels against Christ.  When our Lord was returning to the Father, he left his followers peace as their inherited good....  If you've received this peace, keep it; if you've destroyed it, look for it; if you've lost it, seek it...." (Caesarius of Arles)
Dress legend
  • 'Stone' tie pin:  "They stoned Paul and dragged him out" (1st reading)
  • 'Sailboats' tie:  travel from Antioch/Iconium to Derbe, Lystra, Iconium, Antioch, Pisidia, Pamphylia, Attalia, and back to Antioch (1st reading)
  • 'Knocker' pin:  They reported how God had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles (1st reading)
  • 'Crown' tie bar:  Your friends make your kingdom's splendor known (psalm)
  • 'Car with mouth' pin:  May my mouth speak the Lord's praise... (psalm)
  • Flesh-colored suspenders:  ...and may all flesh bless his name (psalm)
  • 'Peace sign' tie bar: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you." (gospel)
  • 'Heart' pin: "Don't let your hearts be troubled or afraid" (gospel)
  • 'Musical notes with "joy"' pin:  If you loved me, you'd rejoice that I'm going to the Father (gospel)
  • 'Ruler' pin:  "The world's 'ruler' is coming but has no power over me" (gospel)
  • White shirt and socks:  St. Joseph the Worker, Easter season

May 20, 2019

May 20

May 20, 2019:  Monday, 5th week, Easter

See 14 connections with today?Legend below

Pope Francis to PIME missionaries
When PIME was founded, religious orders carried out most missionary work; it was a new idea for others to devote their lives to foreign missions.  Your history is marked by the holiness of your members, 19 of whom gave their lives as martyrs.  Yours is a family of apostles, an international community of priests and lay people who live in communion of life and activity.
The work of evangelization is the grace and vocation of your Institute.  The mission ad gentes is not yours to possess; the driving impulse comes from God alone.  Only by inserting ourselves into God's initiative may we become evangelizers (Evangelii Gaudium 112).
You put the mission at the center of life, with passion and urgency.  Don't fear to undertake a missionary option capable of transforming everything, so the Church’s customs, ways of doing things, schedules, language, and structures may be channeled for the evangelization of the world.
  • Acts 14:5-18  Gentiles and Jews, with their leaders, tried to stone Paul and Barnabas, who realized it, fled, and continued to proclaim the Good News.  A cripple listened to Paul, who, seeing he had faith to be healed, called out, “Stand on your feet.”  Seeing him walking, the crowds cried out, “Gods have come down to us.”  The priest of Zeus brought oxen to offer sacrifice, but the Apostles shouted, “We're human like you and proclaim the good news to you so you may turn from idols to the living God....”
  • Ps 115:1-4, 15-16  "Not to us, O Lord, but to your name give the glory."  Our God is in heaven; their idols, peoples' handiwork.
  • Jn 14:21-26  “Whoever observes my commandments loves me and will be loved by my Father, and I'll love him and reveal myself to him.  Whoever loves me will keep my word, and we will make our dwelling with him....  The Advocate, the Holy Spirit the Father will send, will teach you everything and remind you of all I told you.”
  • CreightonToday's gospel promises the Spirit.  Acts goes against how we might expect the Spirit to work; Paul and Barnabas fled from a hostile crowd, then faced an awkward situation after a cure where they were identified as Greek gods.
'Paraclete' (παράκλητος, 'advocate'),
not 'parakeet' :-)
Two of the Spirit's gifts are fortitude and wisdom. Fortitude is courage in adversity, not strength of will.  Paul and Barnabas fled but didn't give up; they worked where they had greater impact.  How we understood past things affects how we understand things now:  the crowd interpreted Paul's actions in the religious context they knew....
  • CreightonIf we love Jesus, we'll be loved in return and he'll reveal himself to us.  The ways that I am finding myself being called to love Jesus is developing, as are Jesus’ love for me and how he's being revealed.  It challenges me to attune my awareness.  How can I bring new eyes and an open heart to my daily life to notice God's new self-revelation?  The daily examen invites us to look with gratitude on our day, noticing when we experienced God’s love and/or felt distant from it.  Praying it cultivates awareness of God's self-revelation.
  • One Bread, One BodyWe may think we love Jesus but behave otherwise.  If we want to love someone, it's best to learn from the beloved how they want to be loved.  Jesus tells us:  obey his commands; be true to his word.  If we don't spend time to know his word, we may think we're loving him while actually giving him what he doesn't want.  May we show Jesus we love him through lives of service.

  • Passionist"Loving Jesus":  Jesus invites us to love him in word and deed and reminds us that the Spirit will inflame us so God's love at work in us will accomplish great things.  Paul and Barnabas let that Spirit work in and through them.  Earlier, they'd experienced rejection and persecution, and now, a cripple was healed and the crowd began to treat them like gods!  They were horrified at the adulation, flowers, and sacrifices, knowing that their power and goodness were from God alone.  May we realize that God lives and acts in us as we love Jesus with our whole self.  The good we do or evil we overcome is because of God's presence and action in us.  May God bless us with grateful, generous hearts, afire with the Spirit of Love...
    St. Bernardine, pray for us.
  •"If you love me, keep my word":  Jesus is preparing his disciples for his return to his Father, exhorting them to prove their love for him through their obedience to his word and promising them the instruction and consolation of the Spirit.  The Lord loves each of us as if there were only one of us to love (Augustine).  The Spirit helps us grow in knowledge of God and his love, enables us to experience God's love and be sure of his presence, and opens us to hear and understand God's word.  Holy Spirit, inflame me with love of God and his word.
    Special greetings to and prayers for the communities of
    St. Bernardine of Siena Parish and School in Woodland Hills
    and our neighbor Diocese of San Bernardino

    Dress legend
    • 'Stone' tie pin:  They tried to stone Paul and Barnabas (1st reading)
    • 'Eyeball' tie pin:  Paul looked intently at the cripple,... (1st reading)
    • 'Feet' pin:  ...and shouted, “Stand on your feet” (1st reading)
    • 'Walker' tie pin:  Lystra cripple, healed, began to walk about (1st reading)
    • 'Fire' pin:  They intended to offer sacrifice (1st reading)
    • 'Helm' tie pin:  'Turn' from these idols to the living God (1st reading)
    • 'Heart' pin:  "God filled you with nourishment and gladness for your hearts" (1st reading)
    • 'People' tie:  Barnabas and Paul:  "We're people, not gods" (1st reading)
    • 'Boundless mercy' pin:  Glory to you, Lord, because of your mercy and truth (psalm)
    • '?' tie pin:  Why should the pagans say, “Where is their God?”? (psalm)
    • Silver- and gold-colored accessories:  Their idols are silver and gold (psalm)
    • 'Dove' pin:  The Father will send the Advocate, the Spirit,... (gospel)
    • 'Celebrate teaching' pin: teach and remind you (gospel)
    • White shirt and socks:  Easter season

    May 19, 2019

    5th Sun., Easter

    May 19, 2019:  Fifth Sunday of Easter

    • 'Sailboat' tie bar:  Paul and Barnabas sailed around (1st reading)
    • 'Knocker' pin:  God opened the door of faith to the Gentiles (1st reading)
    • 'Clocks' suspenders:  God will be with his people forever (2nd reading); I will praise you forever,... (psalm)
    • 'Crown' tie bar: king and God (psalm); the One on the throne (2nd reading)
    • 'Eyeball' pin:  "He will wipe every tear from their eyes." (2nd reading)
    • 'Hearts' tie:  "New commandment: love one another." (gospel)
    • White shirt and socks:  Easter season
    For the gospel

    For 2nd reading
    For Psalm 145
    For next week
    Today's gospel takes us to the Upper Room to hear words Jesus addressed to his disciples before his passion.  After he washed their feet, he told them, “I give you a new commandment:  love one another as I have loved you.”  But since God ordered people to love their neighbor in the Old Testament, and Jesus already said the greatest commandment of the Law was to love God, and the second to love your neighbor, how is the commandment new?  He added, "as I have loved you."  The novelty is in the love of Christ, who gave his life for us.  On the cross, he showed and gave the world the fullness of love, without conditions or limits.

    Jesus loved us despite our frailties, limitations, and weaknesses.  He made us worthy of his limitless love.  In giving us the new commandment, he asks us to love not only with our love, but his, the love the Spirit infuses into us if we invoke him with faith.  Only then can we love as he loved us and spread the seed of love that renews relationships, opens horizons of hope, and makes us the new People of God, the Church, in which everyone is called to love Christ and in him love one another.

    The love manifested in the Cross is the only force that transforms our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh, makes us capable of loving our enemies and forgiving those who have offended us, makes us see the other as a present or future member of the community of Jesus' friends, stimulates us to dialogue, and helps us listen to and know one another.  Love opens us up to others, enables us to overcome our weaknesses and prejudices, creates bridges, teaches new ways, and triggers fraternity.


    • Acts 14:21-27  Paul and Barnabas made many disciples, then returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch to strengthen the disciples and exhort them to persevere through hardships.  They appointed elders and commended them to the Lord, proclaimed the word at Perga, then went to Attalia and Antioch.  They reported to the Church what God had done and how he opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.
    • Ps 145:8-13 "I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God."  The Lord is gracious, kind, merciful, slow to anger, good, and compassionate.  May your faithful ones praise you and speak of your might.  Your kingdom endures forever.
    • Rev 21:1-5a  I saw a new heaven, a new earth, and a new Jerusalem coming down from God, prepared as a bride for her husband.  A voice from the throne said, “God’s dwelling is with the human race.  They will be his people and God will be with them.  I make all things new.”
    • Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35  When Judas had left them, Jesus said, “Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in him.  If God is glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself, and God will glorify him at once.  My children, I will be with you only a little while longer.  I give you a new commandment: love one another.  As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.  This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
    • CreightonJesus gave his disciples the new commandment of love right after Judas left. How often have I "left" and so missed out on God’s self-revelation?  Is loving only people like us loving as Jesus has loved us??  Lord, make us, our communities, and our world open to love.
    • One Bread, One Body"Hard lessons":  Paul and Barnabas warned their disciples that they must must undergo trials to enter God's kingdom, though Jesus' "yoke is easy and burden light."  The Lord will eventually abolish evil, death, mourning, and pain but hasn't yet.  By sin, we harden our hearts. Hard objects can be broken up by other harder ones.  The Lord can use hard lives to open our hearts. He lets us "learn the hard way" so we'll repent, give our lives to him, and not enter everlasting hardness.  "Hear his voice:  'Harden not your hearts.'"  If we open our hearts to the Lord, he'll let us share the hard sufferings of his cross and open hard hearts.
    • PassionistIn "Do you love me?" from Fiddler on the Roof, Golde answers Tevye with a list of what she does for him, then "I suppose I do."  Paul says, “Owe nothing to anyone, except to love one another.”  Love is the foundation of our spiritual and moral life. If only it were easy to love unconditionally like Jesus.  Life is full of hate, exclusion, hoarding, injustice, lies, and killing.  Even people who put Jesus at the center of their lives despise, divide, lie, and cheat.  But with the commandment, Jesus gives us the resources we need to carry it out, including our communities, the sacraments, and other sources of grace....
    •"Love one another as I have loved you":  The cross of Jesus reveals God's love and mercy for us.  I can offer no greater honor than sacrificing my life for another.  Love is total self-giving and offering one's life for another.  The Father showed his love by offering his Son as atoning sacrifice for the sin of the world.  "To ransom a slave You gave away Your Son" (Exsusltet).  That's why Jesus gave us the new commandment of love, not to replace the Old Testament commandment to love my neighbor as myself. The new commandment transforms the old with the love Jesus poured out for us on the Cross, where death was defeated, sin was forgiven, and Satan's power was crushed.  Jesus proved love is stronger than death.
    God loves each of us as if there were only one of us to love (Augustine).  God's love is direct, personal, and oriented to our good.  Nothing can separate us from it but our pride and self-deception; we sin because we love ourselves more than God and others.  "God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us."  If we yield to Jesus and submit to his will, the Spirit will purify all that is unloving in us.  The Lord wants to transform us so we can understand his word of truth and life that can set us free.  The power of the triumphant cross overcomes the world; I share it by embracing the cross the Lord sets before me.  What is the cross I must take up to follow the Lord?  When my will crosses God's, I must do his.  The cross sets me free to live for Christ and his kingdom.  I'm called and privileged to love and serve as Christ did and so to share in the Father's glory.  The mark of every follower of Christ is a love ready to forgive, forget, heal, and restore.  The cross is the only way to pardon, peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation.  If we embrace his love and truth and allow his Spirit to transform us, we'll find the freedom, joy, and strength to love, forgive, and serve.
    • Sunday-trumped saint, from UniversalisSt. Dunstan, abbot, bishop, painter, musician, metalworker, reformer, adviser to kings.

    May 18, 2019

    May 18

    May 18, 2019:  Saturday, 4th week, Easter

    See 11 connections with today?
    Legend below
    For Psalm 98
    Pope Francis

    To European Food Banks FederationThank you for providing food for the hungry and for reducing waste.  The food you distribute is a tangible gesture of accompaniment on the path towards liberation.  You insert what's thrown into the vicious cycle of waste into the ‘virtuous cycle’ of good use.  Waste reveals indifference towards things and towards those who go without.

    You call to mind how Jesus had the disciples gather up the leftovers “so nothing would go to waste.”  Throwing food away is throwing people away.  It's scandalous not to notice how so much good ends up so badly.  Wasting good food is a nasty habit, which can occur even in charities when bureaucracy gets in the way.  Integrated vision, logistical know-how, and continuity are needed.  Your work sends the message that everyone advances whenever we walk with those left behind.  The global economy needs such solidarity, lest it be a reckless machine that crushes people.

    How can we live comfortably when people are being reduced to numbers, statistics replace faces, and lives depend on stock markets?  Support those working to promote solidarity, and encourage growth based on social equality, the dignity of human persons, families, the future of young people, and respect for the environment, so that waste isn't what's bequeathed to posterity by the well-off few, while the majority remains silent.

    To journalists Work according to truth and justice, so that communication is an instrument for building, not destroying; meeting, not clashing; dialogue, not monologue; orienting, not disorienting; understanding, not misunderstanding; walking in peace, not sowing hatred; giving a voice to the voiceless, not being a megaphone to those who shout.

    Your work contributes to the search for the truth, and the truth frees us.  Searching for truth entails difficulties and humility.  Presuming you know everything blocks the search for truth.  An article, tweet, or report, can do good, but if you're not careful, it can do evil to others and sometimes entire communities.  Resist the temptation to publish unverified news; the humble journalist tries to know the facts before telling and commenting on them.

    Violent and derogatory language hurts and sometimes destroys people.  As people badmouth and classify others, remember the dignity of each person.  As people spread fake news, humility invites you to offer truth.  Freedom of the press and of expression is a sign of a country's health.   

    We need journalists on the side of victims, of those persecuted, excluded, discarded, discriminated against.  Recall the forgotten situations of suffering and war.  Thank you for helping the world not forget lives suffocated even before they're born; those extinguished by hunger, hardship, lack of care, war; child soldiers and violated children.

    Help the world not forget those persecuted and discriminated against for their faith or ethnicity and victims of violence and human trafficking.  Those forced to leave their homes because of disaster, war, terrorism, or hunger, are not numbers but faces, stories, and desires for happiness.  Make known the submerged ocean of goodness; it strengthens our hope.

    • Acts 13:44-52  Paul and Barnabas:  “We had to speak God's word to the Jews first, but since you reject it, and condemn yourselves as unworthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles.  The Lord commanded us, I have made you a light to the Gentiles, an instrument of salvation to the ends of the earth.”  The Gentiles were delighted, and the word spread, but the Jews stirred up a persecution....
    • Ps 98:1-4  "All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God."  Sing joyfully to God who's done wonders.
    • Jn 14:7-14  “If you know me, you'll know my Father.  Whoever has seen me has seen him.  I am in the Father and he's in me.  Whoever believes will do the works I do and greater ones.  Whatever you ask in my name, I'll do.
    • CreightonIn the 1st reading, people are united in one sense but divided in another.  They're all gathered to hear to the word of the Lord, but many contradicted it and used their positions of leadership to motivate others to expel Paul and Barnabas.  But even that conflict is used to spread the Gospel.  Sometimes conflict produces light and causes people to pay attention.  Indifference can be worse than conflict!  In the gospel, Philip, who doubtless had heard Jesus’ teachings and seen his deeds, wanted more:  "show me the Father"  Maybe he blurted that out without thinking first, like we sometimes do, or maybe it shows his indifference to his miracles.  Jesus seems to react with exasperation, then corrects him and clarifies his teaching. Jealousy and the quest for power often leads to conflict, away from dialogue and contemplation.  Social cohesion can be good when it leads to helping others, but it can also oppress.  Our desire to be “in” can make us do harmful things.  Lord, open our hearts to the truth and have courage to act on our convictions.
    • One Bread, One BodyJohn uses 'believe' 82 times; its purpose is to lead readers to "believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, so that" they may have eternal life.  Repetition emphasizes a message.  Jesus refers to believing in him four times in today's gospel.  If we believe in Jesus and prove it by living in him, we'll have eternal life; or else we'll die in our sins, separated from Jesus.  People refuse to believe by not reading the gospel, ignoring it, not coming to Jesus for help, not loving, preferring human approval to God's, or not believing Jesus' witnesses.  "Believe."
    • Passionist"Whoever has seen me has seen the Father":  Jesus' farewell discourse focuses on who Jesus is and what he does in and through us.  He says "I AM in the Father” and “I AM going to the Father.”  Are we willing to let the Word of God we know transform us so we may see his presence in every situation, love others, and bring people to faith?
    •"Lord, show us the Father":  One of the great truths of Christian faith is that we can know God, personally.  Personal knowledge of God as our Father distinguishes Christianity from other religions.  To see Jesus is to see what God is like.  In Jesus we see God's perfect love, unconditional, unselfish, constant, for our sake.  God will hear our prayers when we pray in his name...."
    Dress legend
    • 'Piano' pin:  "Sing to the Lord a new song" (psalm); "I've made you an 'instrument' of salvation..." (1st reading)
    • 'Olympics' tie pin:  " the ends of the earth" (1st reading); "All the ends of the earth have seen God's saving power" (psalm)
    • 'Street light' tie bar:  "I've made you a light to the Gentiles..." (1st reading)
    • 'Hand' pin:  "The Lord's right hand has won victory" (psalm)
    • 'Eyeball' pin:  "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father." (gospel)
    • 'Dove' pin:  "The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit." (1st reading)
    • Dust-colored suspenders:  Paul and Barnabas, expelled, shook the dust from their feet in protest (1st reading)
    • 'I love my dad" tie:  "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father" (gospel)
    • White shirt and socks:  Easter season