April 30, 2015: Thursday, Fourth Week of Easter
- 'Girl with heart' pin: "I've found David a man after my own heart" (1st reading)
- 'Sailboats' tie: Paul and his companions set sail for Perga and beyond (1st reading)
- 'Rock' tie pin: "You are my father, my God, the Rock, my savior." (psalm)
- 'Precious feet' tie pin: post-Jesus' washing of disciples’ feet (gospel)
- White shirt and socks: Easter season
- A new commandment/ Ward (about composer) (gospel)
- Psalm 89/ Restoration Project
- Forever I will sing: Psalm 89/ Schoenbachler
- Psalm 89/ Barrie [requires free Scorch plug-in to hear/see] (psalm)
History: Paul, Peter, and other disciples proclaimed Jesus in the history of a people God led. God enters into history and into the journey with his people: The Christian is a person of history, not pertaining to himself alone but inserted into a people on a journey, not alone in a lab but inserted into a people with a long history and still journeying.
It's a history of grace, but also a history of sin: Paul mentions King David, a saint, but before that, a great sinner. Our history must take up saints and sinners. My own history, must take up my sin, and the grace of the Lord with us, accompanying us to forgive and to give grace. There's no Christian identity without history.
Service: Jesus washes the disciples' feet, inviting them to serve as he has done. Christian identity is service. Selfishness is a sin, a habit to break away from; ask for forgiveness and conversion. Being Christian isn't about appearance or social conduct, it’s not make-up for the soul because it should be a more beautiful; it's serving as Jesus did! Ask, “What more can I do? Do I have others serve me, or am I at others' service?”Read

- Acts 13:13-25 Paul and his companions arrived at Perga, but John returned to Jerusalem. They continued to Antioch. One sabbath when they were invited to speak in the synagogue, Paul said, “The God of Israel chose our ancestors, led them out of Egypt, put up with them, gave them their land, provided judges, gave them Saul as king, then raised up David. From his descendents God brought us a savior, Jesus, whom John heralded.
- Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27 "For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord." I anointed David, my servant; my faithfulness and mercy shall be with him. He'll say, ‘You are my father, my God, the Rock, my savior.’”
- Jn 13:16-20 Jesus told the disciples after washing their feet, “No slave is greater than his master, no messenger greater than the one who sent him.... Whoever receives the one I send receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.”
- Creighton: It's important to heed the opportunities we're offered to serve God every day, showing mercy, refusing gossip.... Paul invited others to know Jesus as he did. Let’s invite others into our faith, accepting their small invitations to share God’s love with them, praying for them....
- One Bread One Body: "Say 'I do' to I AM": Jesus foretold that one of His apostles would betray Him so that, when it took place, the apostles would believe that Jesus was the I AM, God. Jesus promised that, after he was lifted up, many would realize he was the I AM. Since Jesus is the I AM, we must worship him, serve him, and give him our all.
- Passionist: We're small but made great through baptism, belonging to Christ though unworthy. As members of Christ, our prayers are with and through Christ, and the Father always hears them. May we be willing to serve as Jesus did.
- DailyScripture.net: Jesus knew one of his own disciples would betray him but expressed love, affection, and loyalty to all his own, eating bread with them as a gesture of friendship and trust. Jesus loved his disciples to the end, proving his faithfulness even to death. A Christian stands in the world for Christ, called to speak for him and act on his behalf.
"Eternal God, light of the minds that know you, joy of hearts that love you, and strength of the wills that serve you; grant us to know you, that we may truly love you, and to love you that we may fully serve you, whom to serve is perfect freedom." (St. Augustine)
- Saints, thanks to Universalis:
- Pope St. Pius V, promoted Catholic Reform; see Catholic Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
- Bl. Marie of the Incarnation, widow, religious, founded hospital and congregation; see Catholic Encyclopedia.