October 31, 2014: Friday, 30th week, Ordinary Time / All Hallows Eve

- 'Heart' tie bar: I'll thank God with all my heart (psalm); I hold you in my heart... (1st reading)
- 'Caged lion' button: ...in my imprisonment (1st reading)
- 'Silverware' tie bar: Jesus went to dine at a Pharisee's home (gospel)
- 'Eyeball' tie pin: People were observing Jesus carefully (gospel)
- Musical settings of e. e. Cummings poem I carry your heart with me: Dickau, Stroope (of Caritas et amor fame) (1st reading) NEW
- I thank my God/ Fabing (Korean; thanks, Deacon Augie) (1st reading)

- Phil 1:1-11 I thank God for you and pray for you with joy, because of your partnership for the Gospel. The one who began a good work in you will complete it. You're partners with me in grace, in my imprisonment, and in defending the Gospel; I hold you in my heart. May your love increase in knowledge and perception, to discern what's of value, so you may be blameless for the day of Christ, full of righteousness, for God's glory.
- Ps 111:1-6 "How great are the works of the Lord": majesty, glory, justice, mercy, faithfulness.
- Lk 14:1-6 Jesus to law scholars and Pharisees, before man with dropsy: “Is it lawful to cure on the sabbath?” They kept silent; he healed and dismissed the man. “Who among you, if your son or ox falls into a cistern, would not immediately pull him out on the sabbath?” They couldn't answer.
ReflectTo Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowship: Unity doesn't imply uniformity, doing everything together, or thinking in the same way, or loss of identity; it's recognition, acceptance, and use of the gifts the Spirit gives to each. Every Christian needs a heart open to the Spirit's sanctifying action. As breathing is inhaling and exhaling, spiritual life is nourished by prayer and expressed through mission. When we inhale/pray, we receive the fresh air of the Spirit; when we exhale, we announce Christ risen by the same Spirit. As no one can live without breathing, there's no Christian life without praise and mission. The Charismatic Renewal is ecumenical; we pray and proclaim together that Jesus is Lord and come together to help the poor. The blood of Jesus, poured out by many martyrs, compels us towards unity.
- Creighton: As in the gospel, some are still more concerned about rules than giving comfort and support. Jesus and Pope Francis call us to reach out to those on the margins and embrace them with mercy. Jesus' focus was on healing; he was fulfilling, not breaking, the law.
- One Bread One Body: "Finishing school": Because we're baptized into Christ and have the mind of Christ, we can confidently say, "The Lord will complete what he has done for me" (Ps 138:8).
- Passionist: Jesus rendered the Pharisees speechless. The Sabbath was to celebrate God's goodness, pause everyday work, to make time for refreshment, not to stop love of God and neighbor. Honor the Sabbath by loving God and people in thought, word, and deed.
- DailyScripture.net: Each of the 7 times we read of Jesus healing on the Sabbath incited hostility from religious leaders. The scribes and Pharisees wanted to catch him breaking the Sabbath to discredit him, but God's work of love and mercy never rests. The law of love supersedes the law of rest. How do I honor the Lord's Day?
We have a winner!
Yesterday I posted 3 outfits and offered a gift card to the first to match them to the days' readings. I'm awarding it to Diocese of Des Moines Technology Manager and DISC VP Roni Argetsinger who matched them to the readings a different way:Tie | Jim | Roni |
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