July 31, 2016: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
- 'Hearts' suspenders: "Anxiety of heart" (1st reading);"harden not your hearts" (psalm)
- NEW 'Sun' pin: What profit is labor under the sun? (1st reading)
- 'Hand' tie pin: Prosper the work of our hands (psalm); where Christ is seated at God's right hand (2nd reading)
- 'Penny pincher' button: Guard against greed (gospel)
- 'John's Jokers' tie: "You fool!" (gospel)
- Green shirt: Color of money re riches and greed (gospel), "profit" (1st reading)
- 'Owl' pin: One who labored with wisdom must leave property to one who hasn't (1st reading); wisdom of heart (psalm)
- I found the treasure/ Schutte (lyrics in comments) (gospel-inspired)
For the psalm
- Restless is the heart / Farrell: sheet music
- In every age/ Bolduc
- Fill me with your love/ Fabing: instrumental
- Psalm 90: Harden not your hearts/ Celoni (sheet music, written for today)
For next Sunday: Psalm 33: Blessed the people/ Celoni (sheet music, just written)
I thank God, the Father of mercy, for allowing us to experience this World Youth Day. We experienced the beauty of our fraternity in Christ. We have heard the voice of the Good Shepherd, who has spoken to you in your heart, renewed you by his love, shown you his forgiveness, made you experience the reality of prayer, and given you a spiritual “breath of fresh air” to help you live lives of mercy.
Mary, our Mother, teaches us how we can make our experience productive. She tells us to do what she did: not to squander the gift you received, but to treasure it so it can grow and bear fruit, with the Spirit's help. In this way, you can be a witness to Christ at home, in your parish, in your associations and groups, and your places of study, work, service, entertainment… wherever God leads you....Read
- Ecc 1:2; 2:21-23 All things are vanity! One who labored with wisdom and skill has to leave property to one who hasn't. What do we get for our toil, anxiety, and sorrow?
- Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17 "If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts." You turn us back to dust. A thousand years to you are as a few hours. Teach us to number our days and gain wisdom. Have pity, show us your kindness, care for us, and prosper our work.

- Col 3:1-5, 9-11 Seek and think of what's above. Put to death the earthly in you; you've put on the new self, in the Creator's image. Christ is all and in all.
- Lk 12:13-21 “Guard against greed; life isn't your possessions.” “A rich man built larger barns to store his harvest to say, 'Eat, drink, be merry!' But God told him, 'Fool! When you die tonight, what about your things?’ Be rich in what matters to God.”
- Creighton: The challenge of today's parable is about what place success has in our lives, and what we'd do to hang onto it. The rich man's first instinct was greed, not sharing. The problem is distorted use of money, attachment and greed. “When you're attached to money, you destroy yourself and your family” (Pope Francis). “Longing for riches” leads us to vain honor and vast pride (Ignatius of Loyola). My riches, honors, pride, and need for success can lead me to become too busy to listen to God.
- One Bread, One Body: "A bomb": Today's gospel is like a bomb that would destroy our lives if we let it explode by believing it, but if we don't lose our lives now, they won't be saved. "What profit does you show if you gain the world and destroys yourself doing so?" We can let God's Word shatter our lives or maintain the status quo, hoping the gospel doesn't mean what it seems. We'll be insecure as death, and likely suffering, await us unless our lives are built on obedience.
- Passionist: Funerals are the ultimate celebration of our life and purpose. The person we mourn as dead has never been more alive! I don’t want to regret my lack of reaching out to people before they die. Qoheleth says working for wealth results in sorrow, grief, and anxiety, and Jesus echoes this in the gospell parable. Reliance on possessions is in vain, for worldly possessions and this life are fleeting. What “matters to God” is letting go of whatever hinders us from growing to eternal life. We're called love each other, not things. What do you need to let go of today?
- DailyScripture.net: "Storing up true riches": Jesus refused to settle the inheritance dispute because he saw the issue was greed, not justice. The commandments were summarized into not worshiping idols and not coveting; it's the flip side of the great commandments to love God and love others. Jesus warned the man to "beware covetousness." To covet is to wish for what another has or to begrudge what God has given them. Life isn't your possessions. "Greed wants to divide, just as love desires to gather. 'Guard against greed' means 'fill yourself with love.' We inconvenience the Lord because of our brother just as that man did against his" (Augustine, Sermons 265.9, paraphrased). Jesus doesn't fault the rich man for his industriousness and skill but for his selfishness. The parable is similar to the one of the rich man who refused to help Lazarus. The rich fool had no concern for others. It is in giving that we receive. Those who are rich towards God receive ample reward. Where is your treasure?
- Sunday-trumped saints, from Universalis, including Ignatius of Loyola: see last year's post