June 19, 2017

June 19

June 19, 2017:  Monday, 11th week, Ordinary Time

See 9 connections with today?
Legend below
For Psalm 98

Pope Francis Corpus Christi homily
Memory comes up today:  Moses tells the people, “Remember how the Lord has led you lest you forget him who fed you.”  Jesus will tell us, “Do this in memory of me.”  The “living bread... from heaven” is the sacrament of memory, reminding us of God’s love for us.  Remembrance of the Lord’s deeds guided and strengthened the journey through the desert; remembering all the Lord has done for us is the foundation of our personal salvation history.  As a plant without water can't live and bear fruit, so too with faith unless it drinks of the memory of all the Lord has done. 
Memory allows us to dwell in love, to be mindful of who loves us and whom we're called to love, but nowadays this gift is weakened.   Events seem to pass in a whirl, but if we leave memories behind and just live for the moment, we risk staying on the surface, without going deeper, without the vision of who we are and where we're going, and our life grows fragmented and dulls. 
But the Lord meets us with loving fragility, the Eucharist, making himself a humble meal that heals our memory, wounded by life’s frantic pace.  We remember Christ’s sufferings, recall God’s love for us, and receive strength and support.  The Eucharist is no abstract, superficial memory but a living remembrance of God’s love, flavored with Jesus’ words and deeds, the taste of his Passion.  When we receive it, we're overcome with Jesus’ love.  It gives us a grateful memory, making us see we're the Father’s beloved children.  Jesus’ love and forgiveness heal our wounds and soothe our remembrance of wrongs experienced and inflicted.  It gives us a patient memory, because we know Jesus' Spirit remains in us.  The Eucharist reminds us we're never alone; the Lord doesn't forget us and restores us with his love.
The Eucharist reminds us we're one body, not isolated individuals.  As the Israelites gathered and shared manna, so Jesus, the Bread from Heaven, calls us together to receive and share him.  The Eucharist is a sacrament of the many who form one body.  “Because there is one bread, we... are one body, for we all partake of the one bread.”  The Eucharist is the sacrament of unity; whoever receives it must be builders of unity, because that's become part of their “spiritual DNA.”  May this Bread of unity heal our ambition, greed, and discord and awaken in us the joy of living in love, without rivalry, jealousy, or gossip.  Adore and thank the Lord for this gift of the living memorial of his love, that makes us one body and leads us to unity.
  • 2 Cor 6:1-10  Don't receive God's grace in vain.  Now is a very acceptable time; now, the day of salvation.  We're God's ministers, through endurance, in hardship, by knowledge and kindness, in the Spirit, love, truth, and God's power, with weapons of righteousness, through insult and praise.  We're treated as deceivers, unrecognized, dying, chastised, sorrowful, poor, and having nothing but are truthful, acknowledged, living, rejoicing, enriching many, and possessing all things.
  • Ps 98:1, 2b, 3-4  "The Lord has made known his salvation."  The Lord has done wondrous deeds, winning victory, revealing justice, showing kindness and faithfulness....  Sing joyfully, all you lands!
  • Mt 5:38-42  “You've heard, Eye for eye; tooth for tooth, but I say, offer no resistance to one who's evil.  When someone strikes you on the cheek, turn the other to him too.  If someone wants your tunic, give him your cloak too.  If someone presses you into service for one mile, go two.  Give to those who ask....”
    • Creighton:  Jesus speaks against retribution, but forbearance in the face of opposition is hard.  How we respond depends on how we love.  Jesus calls us to love unconditionally, as Paul does in the 1st reading, but usually my love and reconciliation depend on responses I receive.  The process of reconciliation and dealing with antagonism has been likened to Kübler-Ross’s 5 stages:  denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance; Paul and Jesus want me at that last stage.  When I feel unjustly wronged, my initial reaction is more likely hurt, anger, and desire for revenge than efforts at community building or unconditional love.  Though I seldom choose retribution, I can interiorize my frustrations and be left with reticence for dealing with the one who wronged me or people in general.  Father, help me love like your Son, show gratitude, patience, resilience, and courage, see good in people and the world, and act responsibly.  Share with me your counsel and knowledge, give me wisdom to let go, and give me fortitude to serve you even in adversity.
      But did he originate the expression?
    • One Bread, One Body:  "Got life?"  When we were baptized, we were born again and adopted as God's children, our bodies became temples of the Spirit, and we became "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation."  God came to live in us, and we in him.  The devil retaliates by trying us; there's persecution and, for some, martyrdom.  Life in Christ is wild, joyful, and painful; it's fearful and wonderful to fall into God's hands.  Without Christ, life is wasted life; with and in Christ, abundant.  May we live our baptismal promises and so enter into Christ's life and love.
    • Passionist:  Life isn't smooth sailing; we get frustrated when faced with obstacles.  One day we feel close to God; later, far away.  Paul talks about obstacles in the 1st reading:  afflictions, hardships, beatings, constraints, imprisonment.  He also talks about overcoming inner obstacles by being kinder, purer, more patient and understanding.  He says, “Now is the acceptable time, the day of salvation.”  I need to be close to God in good times and bad.  We need to walk with the Lord as we encounter life.  Times of trouble take us to a place of faith.  There's never a perfect time to be with God, to be kind, merciful, loving, caring, forgiving, and joyful.  When we learn to live like that despite disappointment, failure, struggle, injustice, alienation, and rejection, we begin to appreciate the Beatitudes....
    • DailyScripture.net:  "Don't return evil for evil":  Jesus approached the question of retribution with a new standard based on the law of grace, love, and freedom.  Jesus knew the old law and its intention to limit vengeance as a step towards mercy; it served as a guide for a judge to assess penalty.  The Old Testament commands mercy:   don't take vengeance or bear a grudge, but love your neighbor; if your enemy is hungry or thirsty, give him bread or water; don't pay him back but give your cheek to the smiter, and be filled with insults.  Jesus transforms the law with grace, forbearance, and kindness; there's no room for retaliation.  We must seek the good of those who wish us ill....  Only the cross can free us from the tyranny of revenge and resentment and give us courage to return evil with good; such love can heal.  Since God has been merciful to us, we're called to be merciful to others, even those who harm us.

      "Merciful God, fill us with your Spirit:  love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control.  Teach us to love those who hate us; to pray for those who use us; that we may be the children of you who make the sun rise on the evil and the good, and send rain on the just and unjust.  In adversity grant us patience; in prosperity, humility; may we guard our lips, lightly esteem the world's pleasures, and thirst after heavenly things."  (Anselm, paraphrased)
    Dress legend
    • 'Clocks' tie:  Now is the acceptable time...  (1st reading)
    • 'Dove' pin:  We commend ourselves as God's ministers, in the Holy Spirit, in love... (1st reading)
    • 'Clef' pin:  Sing to the Lord a new song (psalm)
    • 'Hand' tie pin:  The Lord's right hand has won victory  (psalm)
    • 'Olympics' pin:  All the ends of the earth have seen God's salvation (psalm)
    • 'Eyeball' pin:  You've heard it said, "An eye for an eye" (gospel)
    • 'Walker' tie pin, 'ruler' tie bar:  If someone presses you into service for one mile, go with him two (gospel)
    • Cheeks (above, not shown :-):  "When someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other" (gospel)
    • Green shirt:  Ordinary Time season

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