May 30, 2017: Tuesday, 7th week, Easter
Pope Francis homilyFor Psalm 68
- Let God arise/ Wilbur
- Let our God arise/ Holy Hands
- Psalm 68: God, in your goodness/ Celoni: sheet music
For Ascension week
- Thou art gone up on high, from Messiah/ Handel
- See, the conqueror mounts in triumph/ Wordsworth
- Go make of all disciples/ Adkins
Pentecost watch
- Spirit of the living God/ Iverson
- Let the fire fall/ Misulia
- That one same Spirit/ Ward
Today's 1st reading could be called "a bishop's leave-taking" because Paul has left the Ephesus Church to go to Jerusalem, where the Spirit called him to. All shepherds have to step down. At some point the Lord says "come here, go there, come to me." A shepherd must be prepared to step down properly, not hanging on to his position, not having links with his sheep not purified by the Cross. During the council Paul held with the priests of Ephesus he demonstrated three “apostolic attitudes”:
Never turning back: Turning back is the worst of sins. A shepherd who leads the church without compromise will be at peace. This takes courage.
Obeying the Spirit, without knowing what will happen: A shepherd must know he's on a journey. Paul was a shepherd who serves his sheep. He had an uncompromising attitude, and when the Spirit asked him to go on his journey, he didn't know what would happen. He went because he had nothing of his own; he hadn't taken control of his sheep but had served them. He left knowing the Spirit had told him, not knowing what would happen except that trials awaited him. He didn't retire; he went to serve other churches. His heart was open to God's voice.
Not considering your life precious, not being the center of history: Be a servant.
With Paul's example, pray for our shepherds, our parish priests, our bishops, the Pope, that they live without compromise, on a journey, not believing they're the center of history, and knowing how to step down.Read

- Acts 20:17-27 Paul to Miletus presbyters: “Since I first came to Asia, I've served the Lord and taught you, and I bore witness to repentance and faith. But now I'm going to Jerusalem; the Spirit has warned me hardships await me there, but I must bear witness to the Gospel and finish the ministry the Lord gave me. You won't see me again. I proclaimed God's plan to you, so I'm not responsible for your blood.”
- Ps 68:10-11, 20-21 "Sing to God, O kingdoms of the earth." You restored the land and provided your flock for the needy. The Lord our salvation bears our burdens.
- Jn 17:1-11a “Father, glorify your son, so your son may glorify you and give eternal life to all you gave him. I glorified you by accomplishing the work you gave me; now glorify me with the glory I had with you before. I revealed your name to those you gave me. They've kept your word and know everything you gave me is from you and that I came from you. I pray for the ones you gave me because they're yours. I'll no longer be in the world, but they are, while I'm coming to you.”
- Fr. Chris Bazyouros homily video: Pray for people like Jesus did.
- Creighton: "For God's greater glory": Today we hear, “I glorified you on earth by accomplishing the work you gave me.... I revealed your name…” God is love and we are the Body of Christ. God does not love; God is Love. Jesus does not love, Jesus is Love. Body of Christ is meant to be a verb, not a noun. Love, compassion, friendship, laughter, solidarity reveal us as the living Body of Christ. I ‘glorify’ the Lord when I do God’s ‘work,’ live my vocation. When I'm parent, child, priest, or friend being Body of Christ, I ‘glorify’ God and reveal God.
- One Bread, One Body: "The Spirit of paradox": The Holy Spirit, being God, is paradoxical. The Spirit gives us light to see what we've never seen. We can see the future, receive insights about the past, and recognize new opportunities in the present. But when we live in the Spirit, we might not know what will happen. We see more, but we see it's nothing compared to the mystery of God. In the Spirit, we receive abundant life; paradoxically, we receive it by dying to self. We have life in the Spirit because we have death in the Spirit. Because we fear paradox, we fear mystery and the Spirit, but the Lord commands us not to fear and graces us accordingly. Come, Holy Spirit!
- Passionist: To know Jesus Christ:
- Listen to what he said: "I am the" Bread of Life, Good Shepherd, Gate for the sheep, Light of the World, resurrection and the life, Way, Truth and Life, Vine.
- Use your imagination, walk in his shoes, and relate it to your experience: What did it feel like for Jesus to be committed to his Father’s will, have compassion, face opposition, agonize in the olive garden, forgive those crucifying him?
The Ascension of Christ/ Rembrandt |
- "Eternal life: to know the Father, the only true God": Jesus' glory is the cross, in which God reveals his love for sinners and his power of redemption. Eternal life is divine life within us. When we possess it, we experience God's majesty, peace, joy, love, and holiness. Knowledge of God is personal. Jesus makes it possible for each of us to know God as our Father. In Jesus we see God's perfect love.
Lord, may I possess the grace to be at one with You! Amidst all the things around me, all I crave is unity with you. You are all my soul needs. Dear friend, unite this little soul of mine with your perfect goodness. You are mine; when shall I be yours? Beloved, be the magnet of my heart; press and unite me to your sacred heart. You made me for yourself; make me one with you. Absorb this tiny drop of life into the ocean of goodness it came from. (Francis de Sales)
- Today's saints, from Universalis
- Luke Kirby, priest, martyr
- Yorkshire Martyrs Margaret Clitherow (hid Catholic priests), Henry Walpole, SJ (lawyer, convert, priest) 20 Blessed and and 30 Venerable companions...
Dress legend
- '?' tie pin: "I don't know what will happen to me in Jerusalem" (1st reading)
- 'Dove' pin: "The Holy Spirit has been warning me" (1st reading)
- 'Blood drop' pin: "I'm not responsible for any of your blood" (1st reading), York martyrs (today's memorial)
- 'Sheep' tie bar: "Your flock settled in the land" (psalm)
- 'Bear' tie bar: The Lord 'bears' our burdens (psalm)
- 'Eyeball' pin: "Jesus raised his eyes to heaven" (gospel)
- 'Clocks' suspenders: "Father, the hour has come." (gospel)
- 'Airplane' tie pin, 'hot air balloons' tie: "Jesus has been taken up to heaven and will return." (Sunday 1st reading)
- White shirt and socks: Easter season
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