October 23, 2017: Monday, 29th week, Ordinary Time
- 'Butterfly' pin: It wasn't just for Abraham alone that it was written that his faith was credited to him; it was for us who believe in the one who raised Jesus from the dead. (1st reading)
- 'Hands' pin: The Lord promised to save us from the hands of all who hate us (canticle)
- 'Penny pincher' button: Guard against greed (gospel)
- 'Money' tie: Rich man parable (gospel, trumping "John's Jokers" tie for "You fool!" and "scales of justice" tie for "Who appointed me as your judge?")
- 'Silverware' tie bar: "Eat, drink, and be merry" (gospel)
- 'Wheat' pin: "I'll build larger barns to store my grain..." (gospel)
- OneLife LA button: Respect Life Month
For gospel
- My barns are full, my stores increase (The Worldling)/ Newton (of Amazing grace fame): pick a CM/Common Meter tune
- Bigger barns are what I need/ Gillette: tune: ABERYSTWYTH (or another 77.77D tune)
- I found the treasure/ Schutte: lyrics #16
- Money, money, money/ Abba (rich man's perspective)
- We walk by faith/ Haugen (1st reading)
For canticle
- Canticle of Zachary/ Joncas
- Benedictus/ Farrell: sheet music
- Canticle of Zachary/ Daw text, FOREST GREEN tune (1 of top 2 O little town of Bethlehem tunes; other is ST. LOUIS)
- Benedictus/ Vaughan Williams
- Rom 4:20-25 Abraham didn't doubt God’s promise; faith empowered him to be convinced God could do what he promised. It was credited to him, also for us who believe in the one who raised Jesus for our justification.
- Lk 1:69-75 "Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; he has come to his people," freed them, raised up a savior for us. He promised he'd save us, show mercy, and remember his covenant. He set us free to worship him, holy in his sight, all our life.
- Lk 12:13-21 "Guard against greed; life isn't possessions. Rich man without space to store harvest / God: 'I'll build larger barns to store my goods, then say, “You're set!"' / ‘Fool, tonight your life will be demanded of you. Whose will your stuff be then?’ If you store treasure for yourself but aren't rich in what matters to God, it'll be like that for you."
- Fr. Joel Henson homily video: Share what you've been given; don't hoard. (See here re Fraticelli and Relaxati, here for satellite map of Israel with comparative views of the areas around the two seas—thanks, Fr. Joel)
- Creighton: We're invited to value our relationship with God, our dependence and gratitude, more than our possessions. How do we prioritize our possessions? Are we really detached from our material goods? Do we place more trust, desire, and hope in God? How can I focus more on God?
- One Bread, One Body: "Your credit score?" "Our faith will be credited to us if we believe in him who raised Jesus from the dead." The man in today's gospel who had a good harvest would have had a high credit score: he had provisions for years to come. Yet his treasures were for himself, not God. When he died that night, his score meant nothing. Deposit your treasures in heaven; set your hearts on the Lord above. We don't earn points to curry God's favor, but he does credit our faith to us.....
- Passionist: Isn't greed a matter of insecurity? We can forget that security, happiness, and power are from God alone. “Whoever has God lacks nothing. God alone is enough” (Teresa of Avila). When God is enough for us, we can give of ourselves. My life isn't the things I have but the love God has, and that's meant for sharing. No matter how much we share, we won't run out.
- DailyScripture.net: "Storing up true riches": Jesus saw that the inheritance dispute was greed, not fairness. "Don't worship idols" and "Don't covet" are the flip side of "Love God" and "Love your neighbor." Jesus warned the man who wanted half of his brother's inheritance to "beware of covetousness." Coveting is wishing to get wrongfully what another possesses. "Greed wants to divide; love wants to gather. "Guard against greed" means 'fill yourselves with love....' He said, 'Master, tell my brother to divide the inheritance'; we say, 'Master, tell my brother he may have my inheritance.'" (Augustine, Sermons 265.9)
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"Rich fool" parable |
Jesus reinforces his point with a parable about a foolish rich man. Jesus faults him for his egoism and selfishness; the parable is similar to that of the rich man and Lazarus. The fool, consumed with possessions, had no concern for others. In giving we receive. What do I treasure?
- John of Capistrano, judge, Franciscan priest, crusaded against Turks invading Christian Europe, died of plague, patron of military chaplains
- Ethelflæda, abbess
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