April 26, 2018

April 26

April 26, 2018:  Thursday, 4th week, Easter

See six connections with today?
(What's missing??)
Legend below

For Psalm 89
Pope Francis
Homily:  Today's gospel contains three foundational truths for the Church:  Jesus teaches us love through the Eucharist, he teaches us service in the washing of the disciples’ feet, and says no servant is greater than his master.
Jesus makes two “institutional gestures” at the Last Supper:  he gives his body and blood to eat and drink, and he washes the disciples’ feet.  These actions reveal two commandments that will make the Church grow, if we're faithful:
Love:  no longer “love your neighbor as yourself” but a step further:  “love one another as I have loved you.”  Love is without limits.  Without it, the Church can't move forward, grow, or even breathe; it becomes empty.  Jesus shows us we should love until the end.
Serve one another, a commandment borne out in the washing of the feet.  You can serve, but only I send you.  You're not greater than I.  This is true humility.
He's greater than all of us, and we're servants who can't go beyond Jesus.  We can't use Jesus.  Giving himself to eat and drink, he tells us to love one another like this.  Washing the feet, he tells us to serve each other.  But no servant is greater than the master.  These blunt words and actions are the foundations of the Church.  If we proceed like this, we'll never fail.  Martyrs and saints act with the awareness of being servants.  Jesus warned his disciples that one among them would betray him.
Take a moment to let the Lord look at you, let his gaze enter.  We'll feel many things:  love, maybe nothing…  We might feel trapped or feel shame.  But always let Jesus’ gaze in, the same gaze he looked at his disciples at supper with.
Gaudete et exsultate nugget:  Going against the flow:  Jesus’ words run counter to how things are usually done.  Even if we find his message attractive, the world pushes us in another way.  We can only practice the Beatitudes if the Spirit fills us with his power and frees us from our weakness, selfishness, complacency, and pride.

Listen to Jesus, with the love and respect he deserves.  Allow his words to unsettle and challenge you and demand real change, or else holiness will be an empty word.  We turn now to the Beatitudes in Matthew. [65-66]
  • Acts 13:13-25  Paul and his companions arrived at Perga, but John returned to Jerusalem.  They continued to Antioch.  One sabbath when they were invited to speak in the synagogue, Paul said, “The God of Israel chose our ancestors, led them out of Egypt, put up with them, gave them their land, provided judges, gave them Saul as king, then raised up David.  From his descendants God brought us a savior, Jesus, whom John heralded.
  • Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27  "For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord."  I anointed David, my servant; my faithfulness and mercy shall be with him.  He'll say, ‘You are my father, my God, the Rock, my savior.’”
  • Jn 13:16-20  Jesus told the disciples after washing their feet, “No slave is greater than his master, no messenger greater than the one who sent him....  Whoever receives the one I send receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.”
  • Creighton:  We're living in God's kingdom, empowered with the Risen Lord’s Presence and Spirit, called to imitate him, living for Christ, not ourselves.  The Church ties Paul's preaching about Jesus and John the Baptist to Jesus’ words to the Apostles after washing their feet:  “No slave is greater than the master.”  We're not greater than Jesus, but with his Spirit we're partners in bringing about God’s Reign.  We're to exercise God's power according to God’s will, not ours.  Unworthy though we are, we can raise the dead to new life, love and forgive, calm storms, and more, if we do according to the Father’s will....
  • One Bread, One Body:  "The best from the worst":  When Judas betrayed Christ, the Lord brought good out of his sin by predicting it so that Jesus' disciples would believe. "God makes all things work together for good...."  "The Lord has made everything for his own ends, even the wicked...." "Everything is ordered to your benefit, so grace may bring greater glory to God...."  The Lord wants to bring good out of your sin, to lead you and others to repentance and healing.  Let Jesus do the miracle of working all things together for good.
  • Passionist:  Today's readings retell our faith journey. Paul recounts the Exodus through John the Baptist, and Jesus reminds the apostles that he is sent and he journeys with us so we may reach the Father.  Note the movement:  encountering Jesus compels us to go proclaim the Good News, sent as Jesus was.  Our faith journey moves us out of ourselves to places where we can proclaim the Good News, to nations, our families, friends, coworkers, neighbors....  We journey not alone but with Jesus.
  • DailyScripture.net:  "The one who receives me":  At the Last Supper Jesus addressed the issue of fidelity and disloyalty in relationships.  Jesus knew one of his disciples would betray him, but rather than distancing himself from him and protecting himself from harm, he expressed his love, affection, and loyalty to his own, even his betrayer.  He used a quotation about treachery by one's closest friend.  To eat bread with someone was a gesture of friendship and trust; at the moment Judas is conspiring to betray Jesus, Jesus extends friendship to him.  Jesus loved his disciples to the end and proved his faithfulness even to death.  Jesus tells his disciples that if they accept him they also accept the Father.  May we stand in the world for Jesus Christ, speaking and acting on his behalf....
Dress legend (+plus what I forgot)
  • 'Heart' pin:  "I've found David a man after my own heart" (1st reading)
  • Sandals (not shown):  "I'm not worthy to unfasten the sandals...” (1st reading)
  • 'Feet' pin:  "...of his feet" (1st reading); post-Jesus' washing of disciples’ feet (gospel)
  • 'Sailboats' tie:  Paul and his companions set sail for Perga and beyond (1st reading)
  • 'Crown' tie bar:  They asked for a king, and God gave them Sau, then David (1st reading)
  • 'Boundless mercy' pin:  "My mercy shall be with him..." (psalm)
  • +'Horn' pin:  "...and his horn shall be exalted" (psalm)
  • +'Rock' tie pin:  "You are the Rock, my savior" (psalm)
  • +'Hand' tie pin:  Paul motioned with his hand (1st reading); "I've anointed David that my hand will always be with him" (psalm)
  • White shirt and socks:  Easter season

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