December 27, 2018: St. John, Apostle and Evangelist
For 1st reading
- From the dawning of creation/ Dufner: about
- Pass it on/ Kaiser: lyrics, about
For Psalm 97
- Psalm 97: The Lord is King/ Celoni: sheet music and demo (2 variants)
- Psalm 97: The Lord is King/ Booth, Cooney: sheet music
- A new father, awe-struck/ Gillette, to Away in a manger tune
- God, how can we comprehend?, another one
- 1 Jn 1:1-4 We proclaim the Word of life—what was from the beginning, that we've heard, seen, and touched—so you may have fellowship with the Father, Jesus Christ, and us.
- Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12 "Rejoice in the Lord, you just!" The Lord is king; the heavens proclaim his justice, and all see his glory.
- Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Mary Magdalene ran to Simon Peter and [John]: “They've taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don't know where they put him.” Both ran to the tomb; John arrived first and saw the burial cloths, then Peter arrived and saw them too. John went in and believed.
- Creighton: In today’s gospel from John, we hear of Peter and “…the other disciple” running to the tomb where Jesus had been laid after his crucifixion, and seeing that the tomb was empty except for his burial cloths, blood and sweat stained. Did they remember the joy they felt when he was with them, the quiet and stillness? Were they filled with hope? The infant Jesus was the promise, hope, and joy long foretold; the risen Christ is the abiding promise, hope, and joy.
- One Bread, One Body: "Better than the incarnation?" John spectacularly proclaims the Incarnation: God beyond time and space entered into both to be with us, to become flesh and dwell among us. Human beings could see, touch, hear, even eat Jesus, Word made flesh. John never got over the truth of the Incarnation, that God could be embraced, heard, and seen; he even leaned against Jesus and felt his heartbeat. He knew what he was talking about when he wrote of the Word becoming flesh. But Jesus told him, "It's better for you that I go" back to heaven. John knew that Jesus' presence would remain in "a more excellent" way through the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist: "We know he remains in us from the Spirit he gave us." He tells us that Jesus promises that anyone who "feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me...."
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St. John the Evangelist/ Domenichino |
- Passionist: John loved proclaiming the good news; he wanted others to see what he'd seen, touch what he'd touched. He wanted to share Jesus' words and God's love. Proclaiming made him happy: “We write this so our joy may be complete.” John is full of proclamations about God’s love. May we remember the joy of opening eyes to God's love and use each moment as an opportunity to proclaim the good news!
- "John saw the Word made flesh and believed": John was the first apostle to reach Jesus' empty tomb. What did he see that led him to believe? He must have recalled Jesus prophesying that he'd rise after three days. John bears witness to the "Word of Life," Jesus the Word Incarnate, the word the prophets announced, the word now preached....
- Universalis: John the Evangelist, Zebedee's son, nicknamed by Jesus “son of thunder” (as brother James). At Jesus' Transfiguration and empty tomb, Jesus put his mother in his care. Exiled to island of Patmos; died at Ephesus.
Dress legend
- 'Eyeball' and 'hands' pins: We've seen the Word of Life with our eyes and touched him with our hands (1st reading); John saw and believed (gospel)
- 'Love' suspenders sticker: "Beloved" (1st reading); [John,] the "disciple Jesus loved" (gospel)
- 'Crown' tie bar: The Lord is king (psalm)
- 'Alps' tie pin: The mountains melt like wax before the Lord (psalm)
- 'Christmas lights' tie: Light dawns for the just (psalm); Christmas season
- 'Heart' pin: Gladness for the upright of heart (psalm)
- '?' tie pin: "We don't know where they put the Lord" (gospel)
- 'Runner' tie pin: Peter and the "beloved disciple" ran to the tomb (gospel)
- Button: Joyeux Noël!
- White shirt: Color of St. John's feast
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