January 9, 2022

Jesus' Baptism

January 9, 2022:  Baptism of the Lord

See over 30 connections with today?
Legend below


For Is 40 reading

    For Psalm 29
    Pope Francis

    Angelus:  After some 30 years of living in hiding, Jesus' public life began when John the Baptist baptized Jesus on the Jordan's bank.  He didn't show up with a few miracles or teaching in a cathedral; he shared the lot of sinners, lining up with them to be baptized, coming down to us, dipping into our waters to heal them. 

    At the moment Jesus was baptized, he was praying. Jesus prayed often, in intimate relationship with the Father.  In today's gospel we see Jesus descending towards us and raising his gaze and heart to the Father.

    We're all immersed in problems, intricate situations, called to face difficulties and choices that pull us down.  We need to lift everything upwards.  Prayer is a way to let God work in us; it helps us, uniting us to God, opening us up to an encounter with him, opening our hearts to the Lord, giving us oxygen and breathing space even amid anguish, making us see things more widely, allowing us to feel like children loved by the Father.

    Baptism homily:  These infants will receive their Christian identity through the Sacrament of Baptism.  The role of parents and godparents is to help them deepen and preserve this identity.  It is a daily effort and commitment, the Pope added, underlining the importance to help the children grow in the blessing of the light they receive today.  The People of Israel went to the Jordan with their feet and soul exposed as a sign of their need for God and cleansing.  So too these infants are ready to receive justification and strength from God to go forward as their parents and godparents help them preserve their Christian identity.  Make your children feel at home and nurse them.... 

    • Is 42 :1-4, 6-7  Here's my servant; he'll bring justice.  I, the Lord, called you, grasped you, formed you, and set you as light for all, to open the eyes of the blind and to release prisoners and those in darkness.
      • Ps 29:1-4, 9-10  "The Lord will bless his people with peace."  Give the Lord glory; adore him in holy attire.  The mighty, majestic voice of the Lord is over the waters.  The Lord is king forever.
      • Acts 10:34-38  Peter: God shows no partiality; he accepts all who fear him and act uprightly.  God anointed Jesus with the Spirit and power; Jesus did good and healed the oppressed.
      • Is 40:1-5, 9-11  Comfort my people; proclaim to Jerusalem that her service is at an end,her guilt expiated.  A voice cries out:  Prepare the way of the Lord!  Every valley shall be filled in,
        mountains made low; rugged land made a plain; rough country, a valley.  All shall see the Lord's glory
        Cry out, Here is your God!  He rules by a strong arm.  Like a shepherd he feeds his flock, gathers and caries the lambs, and leads the ewes.
      • Ps 104:1b-4, 24-25, 27-30  "O bless the Lord, my soul."  You are great, majestic, and robed in light.  
        How manifold your works
        !  Earth and sea are full of your creatures; you fill the with good things.  When you send your spirit, they're created, and you renew the earth.  
      • Lk 3:15-16, 21-22  All were filled with expectation, asking whether John might be the Christ.  John answered, “I'm baptizing you with water, but one mightier is coming who will baptize you with the Spirit and fire.”  After all had been baptized and Jesus had been baptized, heaven was opened, the Spirit descended upon him like a dove. and a voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”
      • Creighton:  Today's feast bridges Christmas and Ordinary Time.  The hopeful descriptions of the 1st readings build to good news, the glory of the Lord, justice, a kept promise, a chosen one, promise for the devastated exiles, for the whole world.  The Titus reading reminds us that God’s love, and the gift of our Savior, are because of his mercy.   The Acts reading reminds us God’s mercy is for all, showing no favorites.  In the gospel  John the Baptist paves the way for Jesus and baptizes him; then heaven was opened, the Spirit descended on Jesus, and a voice said “You are my beloved Son....” 
      What does this feast mean for us as we end our Christmas celebration, begin a new year, and move into Ordinary Time, still battling COVID-19, racism, divisiveness, and other injustices and struggles?  May we learn from and grow closer to Jesus as he begins his adult ministry, learning from and following him more closely.  May I better understand that God loves and is pleased with me and let that guide my actions.
      • One Bread, One Body:  "Love lasts":  On the last day of Christmas, my true Love, Jesus, revealed the Father to me in a new way and gave to me a deeper life in the Spirit; my true love, the Holy Spirit, cried in my heart “Abba” (“Papa”):  the Father spoke; Jesus saved; the Spirit descended.  May we grasp the breadth, length, height, and depth of Christ’s love, experience this love, and attain to God's fullness.  Am I ready to be loved as the Father loves Jesus, letting the Spirit pour out God's love in your heart.  God is Love, and all who abide in love abide in God, and God in them. Live love....
      • Passionist:  Today's feast adds to Christmas a dimension of ministry.  At baptism, we received the Holy Spirit and a commission to love as Christ loves....
      Jesus came to give us the fire of his Spirit that we may radiate gospel joy and truth to a world in need of God.  Like John the Baptist, we're called to give testimony to the light and truth of Jesus Christ.  Sinless Jesus' humble submission to John's baptism foreshadowed the "baptism" of his crucifixion.  His baptism is the acceptance and the beginning of his mission as God’s suffering servant; he submitted himself to his Father's will.  The Father proclaimed his delight in his Son, and the Spirit was also present as he anointed Jesus for his ministry.  At Jesus' baptism heaven was opened and the waters were sanctified.  "Let us be buried with Christ by Baptism to rise with him; let us go down with him to be raised with him; and let us rise with him to be glorified with him" (St. Gregory Nazianzen)....
      Dress legend
      • 'Thunderbolt' pin:  The God of glory thunders (Ps 29)
      • 'Crown' tie bar:  The Lord is enthroned as king forever (Ps 29)
      • 'Peace' tie pin:  The Lord will bless his people with peace (Ps 29); God proclaimed peace through Jesus Christ (Acts 10)
      • 'Dove' pin:  I've put my spirit on my servant (Is 42); God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit (Acts 10); When you send forth your spirit, they're created, and you renew the earth (Ps 104); he saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Spirit (Ti); he'll baptize you with the Spirit; Spirit descended on Jesus (gospel)
      • 'Scales' pin:  My servant shall bring justice (Is 42); God trained us to live justly (Ti)
      • Celebrate teaching:  The coastlands will wait for his teaching (Is 42)
      • 'Hand' tie pin:  I've grasped you by the hand (Is 42); Jerusalem has received double from the Lord's hand (Is 40); when you open your hand, they're filled with good things (Ps 104); Jerusalem has received from the hand of the Lord double for her sins (Is 40)
      • 'Lights' tie:  I set you as a light for the nations... (Is 42); Lord, you are robed in light (Ps 104)
      • 'Eyeball' tie pin:  ...to open the eyes of the blind (Is 42)
      • 'Sheep' tie bar:  He feeds his flock like a shepherd (Is 40)
      • 'Chariot' tie pin:  You make the clouds your chariot (Ps 104)
      • 'Owl' tie pin:  You wrought your works in wisdom (Ps 104)
      • 'Silverware' tie bar:  They look to you to give them food (Ps 104)
      • 'Phone' tie bar:  I, the Lord, have 'called' you (Is 42)
      • 'Car with mouth' pin:  The mouth of the Lord has spoken (Is 40)
      • 'Alps' pin:  Every mountain shall be made low; go up to a high mountain (Is 40)
      • 'Prize' pin:  The Lord's reward is with him (Is 40)
      • 'Palace' button:  You've constructed your palace upon the waters (Ps 104)
      • Dust-colored suspenders:  If you take away their breath, they perish and return to the dust (Ps 104)
      • 'Train' tie bar:  God's grace 'trained' us (Ti)
      • "Boundless mercy" button:  Our savior's love appeared because of his mercy (Ti)
      • 'Heart' pin:  The people were asking in their hearts whether John was the Messiah (gospel)
      • 'Noël' button:  Christmas season ends today
      • Blue and white shirt:  Blue: The Lord's voice is over the waters (Ps 29); I've baptized you with water (gospel); white for liturgical color of today
        • Sandals (not shown):  John:  I'm not worthy to loosen his sandals (gospel)

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