September 11, 2014

Sept. 11

September 11, 2014:  Thursday, 23rd week, Ordinary Time

  • 'Sandwiches' tie:  Meat is meat (1st reading)
  • 'Ruler' tie bar:  "The measure you measure will be measured to you" (gospel)
  • 'Penny pincher' button (oops, under jacket; see Aug. 16):  Lend expecting nothing back (gospel)
  • 'Car' tie pin:  "Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way?" (psalm)

Pope Francis
Homily:  Christian life is unconditional love in action.  Go on Jesus’ way, the way of mercy; we can only with a merciful heart.  We must get out of ourselves to give ourselves to others.  It's a gift, it's love; love is self-giving.
The Lord asks us to not judge.  We're judging when we gossip or talk behind people’s backs.  The Christian life is the foolishness of the Cross of Christ; we need to renounce the cunning of the world to do what Jesus tells us.  He teaches us the way of magnanimity, of generosity. He came into the world not to judge, gossip, or pass judgment but to give and to forgive.  Being Christian isn’t easy; we need God's grace.  Lord, give me the grace to become a good Christian.
"Roamin' Catholic" report
We had family plans, so I attended a Sunday 7:30am Mass even though the parish website billed it as "quiet Mass."
  • Music:  I was surprised to see an organist, open piano, and about 10 sitting in the choir section, but nobody actually sang.  The keyboardist played All are welcome (entrance) and Praise to the Lord (exit) on organ, and Only this I want on piano (after Communion).
He also accompanied a violinist who played something I didn't recognize at the preparation of the gifts) and the Air from Handel's Water Music Suite #1 in F (sheet music; see Bonus below) at Communion. (She was a bit off-pitch for the first but redeemed herself on the Handel.) I was a bit distracted because he went into and out of a door to the right of the sanctuary a few times during Mass; too bad he couldn't stay or find a less conspicuous way to duck out.
  • Irony:   I found it ironic that the "quiet Mass" had loud organ music and also bell-ringing.  (I'm no fan of bells during the Eucharistic Prayer, though GIRM 150 permits them; to me they highlight "magic moments" to the detriment of the Eucharistic Prayer's unity.)  Is "quiet Mass" code for "Mass with no singing"?  As one who loves assembly singing at Mass not just for the good reasons in Sing to the Lord:  Music in Divine Worship (e.g., 10-14, 24-27 including references), I prefer more opportunities to sing out but understand there may need to be other options.
  • Attaboy:   Presider chanted the Per ipsum/Through him, and everyone chanted Amen.  I appreciate this because the Great Amen is one of the key acclamations, and if you had to limit singing to one word, this is the one to pick.
  • Homily:  We received the commandments so we may pursue right relationships.
(More Roamin' Catholic reports)
Bonus:  Music search
I recognized Handel's Water Music but didn't remember the suite or movement so looked for it online.  I found some music search sites, not like Shazam where you play a tune into your smartphone to get matches but rather sites where you can play an onscreen piano, whistle, or enter notes (A4C5FAGAC5F4AGC5...) or codes (UDUDUUDUDU...).  Music search has a long way to go to catch up with web search engines:  many sites gave errors or just didn't yield results even for common melodies like the beginning of Beethoven's 5th Symphony, but if you need to name that melody in your head, try these:
If you know of another music search engine, please comment!
  • 1 Cor 8:1b-7, 11-13  Knowledge inflates, but love builds.  Re eating meat sacrificed to idols:  there are no idols, so it's just meat.  But former idolaters weak consciences could be defiled, and if you wound them, you sin.  So I won't eat meat again so as not to cause my brother to sin.
  • Ps 139:1b-3, 13-14ab, 23-24  "Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way."  Lord, you know my actions and thoughts.  You formed me from the womb, and your work is wonderful.
Wordle: Readings 9-11-14
  • Lk 6:27-38  “Love your enemies; do good to and pray for those who hate or mistreat you, Offer your other cheek to one who strikes you on one, and your tunic to one who takes your cloak.  Do to others as you'd have them do to you.  Lend expecting nothing back; your reward will be great.  The Lord is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.  Be merciful like your Father.  Stop judging, forgive, and give; the measure you measure will be measured out to you.”
    • Creighton:  Paul:  Would eating meat slaughtered for pagan worship build the community's faith, or would Christians eating the meat be seen as lukewarm?  Think what would be most loving. / Jesus challenges his disciples to expand their notion of love:  let God’s generosity, forgiveness, and integrity show through; e.g. forgive and seek justice vs. take vengeance.  Who knows what transformation might occur if I allow God’s grace into my conflicts, struggles, and relationships?
    • Passionist:  Paul re meat sacrificed to idols:  there are no idols, so it's just meat, but if eating it causes scandal, forgo it.  Choose love.  St. Augustine: "In essentials, unity.  In non-essentials, freedom.  In all things, charity."
    •   Treat others not as they deserve but as God wants, with mercy. God who seeks our good teaches us to seek others' good.  St. Augustine:  "Forgive and be forgiven; give and you'll receive:  two wings of prayer flying to God.  Pardon the offender, and give to one need.  Graciously and fervently perform this almsgiving (giving and forgiving), for we pray the Lord give to us and not repay our evil" (Sermon 205.3, 206.2, paraphrased).

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