November 16, 2014: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
- 'Pearl' tie bar: A worthy wife is more valuable than pearls (1st reading)
- 'Hand' tie pin: She works with loving hands and reaches out her hands to the poor. (1st reading)
- 'Grapes' pin: If you fear the Lord, your wife shall be like a fruitful vine (psalm)
- 'Clocks' tie: We don't need to write you about times; the day of the Lord will come like a thief (2nd reading)
- 'No peace' button: When people say, "Peace and security," sudden disaster comes. (2nd reading)
- Red in shirt: UCA martyrs
- Green in suspenders: Ordinary Time (season)
- Use what you got, from Let it Start/ Schrader (gospel)
- When Jesus comes to reward his servants/Will Jesus find us watching?/ Crosby (gospel)
- It's the small things/ Troccoli (gospel)
- Psalm 128: Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord/ Mui: lyrics
- A woman of valor - אשת חייל (Hebrew with subtitles) (1st reading)
- Woman of valor (Jewish rap? in English) (1st reading)
- Soon and very soon/ Crouch (2nd reading)
Take up immigration as a priority that has become a social emergency. Be engaged concretely to promote encounter over confrontation. Citizens and immigrants, discuss the situation together and with the civil authorities. Reject violence. It's possible to dialogue, listen, make plans together, and so overcome suspicion and prejudice to build a secure, peaceful, and inclusive coexistence.
- Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 A worthy wife is more valuable than pearls. She brings good, works with loving hands, and reaches out to the poor and needy. Charm is deceptive, but the woman who fears the Lord is to be praised and rewarded.
- Ps 128:1-5 "Blessed are those who fear the Lord" and walk in his ways! Your wife and children will bless you....

- 1 Thes 5:1-6 We don't need to write you about times and seasons; you know the day of the Lord will come like a thief. When people are saying, "Peace and security," disaster will come, but you're children of the light. Don't sleep like the rest, but stay alert.
- Mt 25:14-30 "A man entrusted his possessions to his servants—5, 2, and 1 talents—then left. The ones who got 5 and 2 made 5 and 2 more, but the one who got 1 buried it. When the master returned, the ones who got 5 and 2 reported their earnings and were given great responsibilities for their faithfulness, but the other returned the talent, saying he was afraid of the master's demands, and was thrown into the darkness for not at least earning interest. To everyone who has, more will be given, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken."
- Creighton: The “master” represents the Son of Man, and during his journey, between the Ascension and 2nd Coming, his servants are entrusted with gifts and freedom. The proper response, from "fear (reverence) of the Lord," is fruit-bearing and generosity; the 3rd servant, motivated from a false image of the master, turns in on himself. Many things can cause anxiety and fear: old age, ill health, finances, job insecurity, concern for loved ones, the news...; may we turn reverently to the Lord and respond with love and hope.
- One Bread One Body: The Lord wants us to do our best with what we've received. "Whatever you do, work at it with your whole being, for the Lord" (Col 3:23).
- In Jesus' time, wealthy merchants had to travel and leave matters to others while away. The parable says the master trusted and rewarded or punished his servants. God gives the means to use well the talents he's given us. Do I seek to serve God with the gifts I've received?
- Saints via Universalis though trumped by Sunday celebration:
- Margaret of Scotland, queen, mother, reformer, monastery foundress, generous to the poor
- Gertrude, religious, mystic, spiritual writer, precursor of devotion to Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Edmund of Abingdon, bishop, reformer, peacemaker, spiritual writer.
- Mary as Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn
- UCA Salvadoran martyrdom 25 years ago today
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