November 3, 2014: Monday, 31st week, Ordinary Time

- 'Hearts' suspenders: Be united in heart (1st reading); my heart is not proud (psalm)
- 'Peace sign' tie bar: In you, Lord, I have found my peace. (psalm)
- 'Eyeball' tie pin: my eyes aren't haughty (psalm); when you hold a banquet, invite the blind (gospel)
- 'Food on plates' tie: Jesus went to dine with a leading Pharisee (gospel)
- In you, Lord, I have found peace/ Becker (psalm)
- Psalm 131: Come to the quiet/ Talbot
Pope Francis homily
Love, unity, harmony is a grace, but we must do our part to help the Spirit create it; that's why Paul says to do nothing out of selfishness, vainglory, or infighting. Rivalry and vainglory are worms that eat the fabric of the Church, going against harmony. Instead, Paul recommends we humbly regard others as more important than ourselves, as he did. Humble Martin de Porres served feeling all others were superior to him. Paul urges us not to look out for our own interests: Look for others' good; serve others. Jesus wants the Church to be in accord; different opinions are fine, but within an atmosphere of humility and charity.
It’s bad when people seek their own interests, not service or love. Jesus says: Don't do that; don't seek repayment. Inviting people who can't repay is gratuity. When there's harmony, there's unity, we don't seek our own interests, and there's an attitude of gratitude. I do good; I don't strike a deal with good. Ask, "Does my parish, my community, have this spirit: love, unanimity, concord, humility, the vision that others are superior to us, without selfishness or vainglory? If I find something to improve, how can I help improve it?"
- Phil 2:1-4 Be of the same mind, with the same love, united in heart. Do nothing out of selfishness or vainglory; humbly regard others as more important than yourselves. Look out for others' interests.
- Ps 131:1bcde, 2-3 "In you, O Lord, I have found my peace." I'm not proud or busy with sublime things; I've stilled my soul like a weaned child. Hope in the Lord...
- Lk 14:12-14 “When you hold a banquet, don't invite friends, family, or wealthy neighbors, in case they invite you back and repay you. No: invite the poor, crippled, lame, and blind; you'll be blessed because they can't repay you. You'll be repaid at the resurrection.”
- Martin de Porres, pharmacist, nurse, Dominican brother, worked lifelong for the sick and poor; see "Martin the charitable" from canonization homily, in today's Office of Readings, or whole homily (pp. 306-309) from AAS in Latin (or paste it into Google Translate or download and translate the PDF; unfortunately neither result is Google's finest work).
- Malachy, bishop, abbot, monastery founder
- Winefride...
- Fr. Chris Bazyouros homily podcast: put others first like St. Martin de Porres
- One Bread One Body: "No more mind-games": We must be of one mind, and we can't change others' minds to be like ours. We can change our minds to the mind of Christ, serve one another, and so deepen our unity and become holy.
- Passionist: One way to regard others as more important [without concern for repayment]: Hold Thanksgiving breakfast for people who don't have family in the area or at all....
- The Lord is always ready to receive us at table. Am I only generous to those who can repay me? Generosity enriches the giver, and we can't outgive God.
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