February 6, 2016: St. Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs
- 'Girl with heart' pin: "I give you a wise heart" (1st reading); "With all my heart I seek you" (psalm); Jesus' heart was moved with pity for the crowd (gospel)
- 'Owl' tie pin: Solomon asked for and received wisdom (1st reading)
- 'Precious feet' pin: People hastened to Jesus on foot (gospel)
- 'Classroom' tie: "Teach me your ways." (psalm); Jesus taught them many things (gospel)
- 'Boat' tie bar: Jesus and the apostles went in the boat to a deserted place (gospel)
- 'Sheep' tie bar: The crowds were like sheep without a shepherd (gospel)
- Red shirt: Martyrdom of St. Paul Miki +25
- 'Camera' tie pin: remembering Tom O'Neill's 1977 Christmas ornament of St. Paul Miki wearing a made-in-Japan camera
- Be thou my vision/ Forgaill tr. Byrne/Hull: Irish, traditional/Slane, Rutter setting (v.2: "Be thou my Wisdom...," 1st reading)
- I heard the voice of Jesus say/ Bonar (gospel)
- There's a wideness in God's mercy/ Faber, usually to IN BABILONE tune, but also goes with WELLESLEY (check out this instrumental nugget too), CORVEDALE, BEECHER, and even HYMN TO JOY; Hume version (from SFPR Congress) ("moved with compassion," gospel)
'Good Shepherd" music (gospel: "took pity on sheep without a shepherd")
- He shall feed his flock, from Messiah/ Handel
- Shepherd of Souls, refresh and bless/ Anon. + Montgomery
- The King of Love my Shepherd is/ Baker
- The Lord is my Shepherd/ Rutter
- Shepherd me, O God/ Haugen
- Psalm 23 (Byzantine chant in English)
For the psalm
- Thy word/ Grant (psalm-inspired)
For today's 1st Reconciliation at St. Bede
- You have called us, alternate tune/ Celoni: (links to audio, sheet music, MusicXML) lyrics; brighter tune, for 2nd graders. Thanks to Bernadette Farrell for the lyrics; hear her tune and see her sheet music.
- Psalm 51: Be merciful to me/ Celoni (also for Year of Mercy and upcoming Ash Wednesday)
- 1 Kgs 3:4-13 After Solomon offered sacrifice, the Lord offered to grant a request. Solomon: “Give me understanding to judge your people and distinguish right from wrong.” God: “Because you have asked for this instead of long life or riches, I give you unsurpassed wisdom, plus riches and glory you didn't ask for.”

- Ps 119:9-14 "Lord, teach me your statutes."
- Mk 6:30-34 The Apostles reported what they'd done and taught. Jesus: “Come away and rest.” They went off, but people followed them. Jesus, moved with pity at the shepherdless sheep, began to teach them.
- Creighton: Solomon asked God for wisdom and understanding, but he already showed some in knowing he needed help and asking for it. The story is about how to interact with God’s goodness. Solomon acknowledged to God he already received much; we too should count our blessings. What God has given us helps us see what he expects us to do. We need help discerning and developing our gifts; ask God what you need in order to do what he wants. Solomon recognized God put him in a high servant’s position and recognized he didn't know how to act with those blessings. God was pleased with his request and granted it. God wants us to ask for what we need, and he always blesses us with gifts to become his servant. Pray with gratitude for your gifts, call, wisdom, weakness, and humility; they draw you closer to God to discern your needs and how to use your gifts....
- One Bread, One Body: "Teachers College": Jesus is the Teacher; he always taught, even on the cross and after his resurrection, and still does. So the body of Christ must constantly teach. When the Church was born at Pentecost, she devoted herself to teaching. The apostles never stopped. May we always learn and teach.
- Passionist: Both readings speak today of merciful love. Solomon, recognizing his youth and ignorance, asked not for riches but for an understanding heart. The Lord, pleased, grants him this and more. We all need understanding hearts, How am I using my heart in my family? communities? with strangers?
Jesus first intended to go rest awhile, but when he saw the crowds, he was moved with pity (compassion). He loves and teaches them; he's their shepherd. He wants us to follow and learn from him. How can I be God's love in action today?
- DailyScripture.net: "Come away and rest a while": Shepherding required great skill and courage. Herds often numbered thousands, and watching over them took great attention and care. Shepherds had to seek out the strays and bring them back. They had to battle hyenas, jackals, wolves, and bears, putting their life on the line to defending the sheep. Sheep and shepherds lived together.
The Old Testament spoke of God as shepherd of his people and pictured the Messiah as shepherd of God's people. Jesus told his disciples he was the Good Shepherd willing to lay down his life for his sheep. When he saw people needing protection and care, he responded with compassionate concern. He personally loved each person who came to him in need. Peter called Jesus the Shepherd and Guardian of our souls. Good Shepherd, help me submit my life to you and trust in your grace and help.
- St. Paul Miki, Jesuit priest, missionary to Japan, with 25 companions, martyrs, with 6 Franciscan missionaries including Peter Baptista and catechist and trader Gonsalo Garcia, 3 more Jesuits including Philip of Jesus, and 17 laymen including 3 boys.
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