July 30, 2016: Saturday, 17th week, Ordinary Time
- 'Hand' tie pin: "I am in your hands" (1st reading)
- 'Blood drop' pin: If you put me to death, you bring innocent blood on yourselves... (1st reading)
- 'Beheaded skeleton' tie pin: Herod had John beheaded and brought his head to the girl. (gospel)
- Tie with fishing bait/lures: The dance of the daughter of Herodias 'lured' Herod to get John the Baptist beheaded. (gospel)
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time season
- Dance of the Seven Veils, from Salome/ Strauss (gospel): no YouTube link because I marked this site as free of adult content, but if you understand and tolerate the risk, you can do a search
For the psalm
- Psalm 69: Save me, O God Anglican chant
- Psalm 69: The humble/ Chaim David (Hebrew)
- Psalm 69: Turn to the Lord/ Celoni (sheet music)
- The cry of the poor/ Foley
In flight: The world is at war, not of religions but for power. It's a war about money, natural resources, and the domination of peoples. It's not very structured, but it is organized. This priest, killed at the moment he was praying for peace, is one victim, but so many Christians, innocent people, children are too. The world is at war because it's lost sight of peace. We hope young people can tell us something that gives us more hope.
For Cuban Youth Day: Unite in friendship, regardless of your differences, and be carriers of hope and bridge builders. Don't be afraid, and free yourselves from the chains of this world to announce the Good News. To carry hope, you have to be able to dream. Don't be fussy or choosy. You don't all have to think alike to build friendship; just share love for your nation and the desire to dream, and stretch out your hands to others.
To newlyweds: I commend you for your courage to commit to marriage; it's hard to form a family. Married couples can surmount difficulties via pardon, thanks, and forgiveness. Marriage is so beautiful, we must preserve it. Don't be afraid when there's a quarrel, but never finish the day without making peace. Pray for all the families here, for newlyweds, for those already married a long time.
To youths at Blonia park: Mercy has a youthful face. Nothing is more beautiful than seeing young people's enthusiasm, dedication, zeal and energy. It pains me to meet young people who seemed to have “thrown in the towel.” Jesus Christ is the way to fulfillment and new strength.
At Archbishop's residence: Friday we remember Jesus' death; his suffering and death is for us all. So many are suffering: the sick; those at war; the homeless; the hungry; those with doubts, those who don't feel happy.... In the children’s hospital, Jesus suffers in sick children....
How much pain, how much cruelty! How can people, created in God's likeness, do what happened at Auschwitz? And today we torture people and wage war; it's the same! In this reality, Jesus came to take us on his shoulders. We pray for all the Jesuses in the world: the hungry, the thirsty, doubters, the sick, the suffering.... Everyone here is a sinner, but he loves us!...Read
- Jer 26:11-16, 24 Priests and prophets to the people / Jeremiah: “He deserves death; he prophesied against this city.” / “The Lord sent me to prophesy what you heard. So listen to God and reform your ways. Do with me what you think right, but if you kill me, you bring innocent blood on yourselves and the people.” The people: “He doesn't deserve death; he speaks in God's name.” So Ahikam protected Jeremiah.
- Ps 69:15-16, 30-31, 33-34 "Lord, in your great love, answer me." Rescue me from my foes! I am afflicted and in pain; save and protect me. I will praise God in song. The Lord hears the poor.

- Mt 14:1-12 Herod wanted to kill John the Baptist, but the people regarded him as a prophet. At a birthday celebration for Herod, Herodias' daughter performed a dance that delighted Herod so much that he swore to give her anything. She asked for John the Baptist's head; he had him beheaded and brought his head to the girl...
- Creighton: Because of Jeremiah's words portending defeat because of the people's disobedience, other prophets accused him. He also offered hope, but that required the people to change. We need help to change but tend to ask late. Love and mercy are powerful catalysts for change.
St. Peter Chrysologus |
Herod wanted to kill John to silence the message about his adultery with Herodias but feared John's disciples would cause him trouble. He seems to admire John and knows John is extraordinary. Eventually his fear of losing face won out. He was motivated by fear and avoidance of discomfort....
- Passionist: Jeremiah was attacked for preaching God’s word but was spared. In the gospel, John the Baptist was hated for upholding moral teaching about marriage, and he lost his life. There's violence today as there was then for those who remain faithful. Jeremiah and John had confidence in God's providence....
- DailyScripture.net: "Herod's reaction to John the Baptist": King Herod had everything he wanted except peace with God. He respected and feared John, though John rebuked Herod for his adulterous relationship. Herod, wanting to please family and friends, had John beheaded. His conscience is pricked when he hears people are going to Jesus to hear his message of repentance and see his works. Herod couldn't rid himself of sin by ridding himself of the man who confronted him with his sin. God's grace enables us to fight fear with faith and not compromise good with evil....
- Universalis: St. Peter Chrysologus (“golden words”), bishop, doctor, preacher; sample his sermons.
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