July 13, 2017: Thursday, 14th week, Ordinary Time
- Freely, freely/ Owens: country version (gospel)
- Grovel, grovel, Benjamin calypso (today's rhyme: "coconuts"), and Joseph all the time, from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat/ Lloyd Webber, Rice (1st reading); whole show
For Psalm 105
- Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5 Judah / Joseph: "We told you we have an aged father and young brother your servant told us to return with. When we told our father, he begged us not to take him lest disaster befall him.” Joseph had everyone else withdraw, sobbed, and told his brothers, “I'm Joseph. Is my father OK?” They were dumbfounded. “You sold me, but don't be distressed or reproach yourselves; God sent me here to save lives.”
- Ps 105:16-21 "Remember the marvels the Lord has done." When the Lord called down a famine, he sent Joseph, sold as a slave. When the Lord's word proved him true, the king set him free and made him ruler of his possessions.

- Mt 10:7-15 “As you go, proclaim: ‘The Kingdom is at hand.’ Cure the sick... Without cost you've received; without cost give. Travel light. When you enter a house, wish it peace. If you're not received or heard, leave and shake the dust from your feet; it won't be easy for them on judgment day.
- Creighton: Today's 1st and gospel readings are connected to “cost.” “Without cost you've received; without cost give.” How often do we think about what we've received? It can be easier to see what we don’t have. How often have I felt small by comparing myself to others or to culture’s standards? When I focus on that, I can waste energy and miss opportunities to give.
After Joseph's brothers hated him so and sold him, how did he recover and become the one who saved so many? Did he see what he had? Was he grateful? He was able to forgive, and even beg his brothers not to be distressed and reproach themselves. Joseph embodies what Jesus was talking about. May we give and not count the cost....
- One Bread, One Body: "Close call": Joseph broke through the communication gap with his brothers by setting aside his glory, emptying himself of his power, and asking his brothers to come closer. In the Song of Songs, God calls to the beloved to "let me see you." The Lord wants to hold us close, like a father holds an infant or a mother fondles her nursing infant. Jesus invites us, "Come to me" and assures us he's gentle and humble of heart so we may not fear to approach. God-with-us dwells among us and greatly desires to be near us; he's not pleased when we draw back. At Jesus' death, God tore open the veil that separated the people from God. God now even enters into our bodies in the Eucharist. Will you come close?
- Passionist: When Jesus sends the apostles out with nothing, is he really asking for total dependence on, even vulnerability to, those they'll encounter? As he sends them to the "lost sheep of the house of Israel," the evangelist is likely hoping to spark faith in the Jews to whom he's writing that Jesus is the Good Shepherd for his chosen people. Later Jesus will send them to "all nations." May we be our neighbors' gospel, "freely giving" God's love, seeing beyond my own needs, not taking along "baggage," frustrations, anger, or anxiety. We have the power to bring Christ’s peace to everyone. If we're rejected, we should “shake the dust from our feet,” "let it go," not let it color your vision of mission....
- DailyScripture.net: "Freely you received; freely give": Jesus commissioned his disciples to speak in his name and act with his power, bringing healing and mercy to the weary and oppressed. May we honor him as Lord and King, serving in charity, peace, and simplicity, not diverted by other things, leaving behind what could distract us. The Lord will free us from anything that keeps us from loving him and others. We must share what Jesus has given us without expecting a reward. May God reign in us and our world....
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Wolf in sheep's clothing |
- Bonus: Joseph haikus
- Universalis: St. Henry, emperor, supported Church reform, encouraged missionary activity, founded monasteries.
Dress legend
- 'Eyeball' pin: "Bring your young brother to me that my eyes may look on him." (1st reading)
St. Henry |
- 'Chain links' tie bar: "Joseph was bound with chains" (psalm)
- 'Ruler' tie bar: "The 'ruler' of the peoples set him free... and made him 'ruler' of all his possessions" (psalm)
- Multicolored tie and suspenders: Joseph's "coat of many colors" (here translated "long ornamented tunic"; read about the problem) (1st reading-inspired)
- 'Hand' tie pin: Proclaim, "The Kingdom of heaven is at 'hand'" (gospel)
- 'Precious feet' pin: "If they don't receive or listen to you,... shake the dust from your feet." (gospel)
- 'Car' tie pin: "Drive out demons" (gospel)
- Gold- and silver-colored accessories: "Don't take gold or silver..." (gospel)
- 'Peace sign' tie bar: As you enter a house, wish it peace (gospel)
- Sandals (not shown): Don't take sandals (gospel)
- Green in suspenders and tie: Ordinary Time season
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