January 9, 2020: Thursday after Epiphany
We can't be Christians if we sow war in our family, neighborhood, or workplace. May the Lord give us the Spirit to remain in him and teach us to love without making war on others.
When we think of peace, we think of wars and pray for secure peace in the world, another country, or another situation. With today's fires of war, we implore peace. But ask yourself about peace at home. Is your heart at peace or anxious for war, to gain more and make yourself heard? Peace is sown in the heart; I can't think of world peace if I'm not at peace myself. The path to peace within, John says in the 1st reading, is remaining in the Lord.
The Lord makes peace by sending the Holy Spirit to create peace within us. If we remain in the Lord, we'll be at peace; if we remain in him when we slip on a sin, the Spirit will alert us. We remain in the Lord by loving one another; this is the secret to peace.
True love urges us to speak well of others. If I can't speak well of someone, it's better I shut up, because speaking ill is war. Love is revealed in little things. If there's war in my heart, there will be war in my family, neighborhood, and workplace. Jealousy, envy, and slander lead us to war: they destroy; they're like filth. How often do you speak with a spirit of peace, and how often with a spirit of war? When we have an attitude of war, it destroys and dirties others, contrary to the the love and peace we seek. There's no Holy Spirit; the devil tempts us to make war. When we light the fire of war, we throw love out, destroy ourselves and each other, and the devil is happy. We're addicted to dirtying others; the devil sows the seed in us. Lord, help us remain in you and so have a secure peace, the gift of your Spirit.
- How suddenly a baby cries/ Getty & Getty: lyrics and composers' story, analysis; tune is upbeat arrangement of KINGSFOLD (I heard the voice of Jesus say, O sing a song of Bethlehem); VOX DILECTI works too (Epiphanytide)
- We've a story to tell to the nations/ Nichol, at the Crystal Cathedral, being remodeled as Christ Cathedral
- It's the small things/ Troccoli (homily)
For Psalm 72
- Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19: Give the king your justice, O God/ Silver
- Psalm 72: Every nation on earth will adore You/ Haas
- Lord, every nation on earth will adore you/ Parker: sheet music
- Psalm 72: Lord, every nation on earth will adore You forever
- Psalm 72: Lord, every nation on earth will adore you/ Celoni: sheet music and demo (2 variants)
We can't be Christians if we sow war in our family, neighborhood, or workplace. May the Lord give us the Spirit to remain in him and teach us to love without making war on others.
When we think of peace, we think of wars and pray for secure peace in the world, another country, or another situation. With today's fires of war, we implore peace. But ask yourself about peace at home. Is your heart at peace or anxious for war, to gain more and make yourself heard? Peace is sown in the heart; I can't think of world peace if I'm not at peace myself. The path to peace within, John says in the 1st reading, is remaining in the Lord.

True love urges us to speak well of others. If I can't speak well of someone, it's better I shut up, because speaking ill is war. Love is revealed in little things. If there's war in my heart, there will be war in my family, neighborhood, and workplace. Jealousy, envy, and slander lead us to war: they destroy; they're like filth. How often do you speak with a spirit of peace, and how often with a spirit of war? When we have an attitude of war, it destroys and dirties others, contrary to the the love and peace we seek. There's no Holy Spirit; the devil tempts us to make war. When we light the fire of war, we throw love out, destroy ourselves and each other, and the devil is happy. We're addicted to dirtying others; the devil sows the seed in us. Lord, help us remain in you and so have a secure peace, the gift of your Spirit.
- 1 Jn 4:19-5:4 God first loved us. How can you love God if you don't love others? Loving God is keeping his commandments. Whoever is begotten by God conquers the world, through faith.
- Ps 72:1-2, 14, 15bc, 17 "Lord, every nation on earth will adore you."
- Lk 4:14-22 Jesus went into the synagogue, stood to read, was handed a scroll of Isaiah, and read "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor...." He handed it back and told them, “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” All were amazed.
- Fr. Joel Henson homily video: Jesus' "restart": his Incarnation shows humanity's value
- Creighton: Today’s Gospel reminds me of New Year's resolutions as Jesus proclaims a year acceptable to the Lord and calls for bringing glad tidings to the poor, liberty to captives, sight to the blind, and freedom to the oppressed. I resolve to proclaim my own year acceptable to the Lord and renewing my promise in daily prayer and action. I can offer my help to the poor or those who feel forgotten. I can try to free myself from consumerism and wanting more. I can free myself from always being plugged in. I can really see the people I'm talking to and spending time with. I can pray for and love those oppressed by fear and tribulations. I need to listen to and live out the 1st reading; I pray for compassion and strength to love God and neighbor and see God in my neighbors, every day. May be be open to the power of the Holy Spirit....
- One Bread, One Body: "Does the Christmas Spirit have you?" This Sunday, last day of the Christmas season, we'll celebrate Jesus' Baptism; he'll give us a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, the Christmas Spirit. who descended on him in fulfillment of prophecy. We'll be given a renewal of our Baptism and Confirmation; we'll have deeper life in the Spirit. We'll end Christmas in the Spirit and begin a year of the Spirit and "bring glad tidings to the poor, liberty to captives, sight to the blind." But the Spirit won't come against our will; we must be docile, repenting and believing, crucifying our flesh, decreasing so Jesus may increase, and letting it be done to us according to God's Word. The question is "Does the Holy Spirit have us?," not "Do we have the Spirit?"...
- Passionist: "A gift to discover now": The Chosen People are gifted; they're light-bearers, whose light attracts all nations. Isaiah told Israel the day would come when Gentiles would take hold of Jews' garments and be led to God. The Jews were blessed to be gift bearers. Some with the gift today don't want to share it. Do we express thanks? Do we like to share our treasures? Does the gift unite me to the giver more joyfully or intimately? Will we always remember the gift?...
- DailyScripture.net: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me": Wherever Jesus went, people gathered. His words and actions brought hope, joy, favor, wonder, and freedom. 'Gospel' means "good news." Isaiah prophesied the Messiah would come to bring freedom from physical, mental, and spiritual oppression. Jesus came to set people free. God alone can save us from dejection, hopelessness, and emptiness....
- Universalis: St. Adrian of Canterbury, Benedictine abbot, missionary
Dress legend
- 'LOVE' suspenders sticker: Love one another (1st reading)
- 'Olympics' tie pin (in for repair): Those begotten by God conquer the world (1st reading); "Lord, every nation will adore you" (psalm)
- 'Scroll' pin: Love God = keep his commandments (1st reading); Jesus read Isaiah 61 from the scroll (gospel)
- 'Eyeball' tie pin: If you don't love someone you've seen, you can't love God (1st reading); the Spirit sent me to bring sight to the blind; everyone's eyes looked intently at Jesus (gospel)
- 'Scales' brooch: He shall govern with justice (psalm)
- 'Blood drop' pin: Their blood shall be precious in his sight (psalm)
- 'Sun' pin: His name shall remain as long as the sun (psalm)
- 'Book reader' tie: Jesus read from scroll (gospel)
- 'Dove' tie pin: The Spirit of the Lord (gospel)
- 'Clock' pin: The Lord has sent me to proclaim a year acceptable to him (gospel)
- 'Hand' tie pin: Jesus handed the scroll back to the attendant (gospel)
- 'Star' tie pin: Star guiding the magi (Epiphanytide)
- White shirt, cuff links, and socks: today's liturgical color
- 'No-ël' pin: Christmas season continues through Sunday.
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