January 24, 2014

St. Francis de Sales

January 24, 2014:  St, Francis de Sales, bishop and doctor


  • 1 Sm 24:3-21  Saul, searching for David, entered a cave, not realizing David was deep inside.  David’s servants told their master, “The Lord has delivered your enemy to you; do as you see fit.”  David cut off part of Saul’s mantle but then regretted it and told his men to leave the king alone.  As Saul left, David told him, “The Lord delivered you to me, but I took pity.  You hunt me down, but I've done no wrong and won't hurt you; look at your robe.”  Saul wept: “You treated me generously.  God reward you.”
    Wordle: Readings 1-24-14
  • Ps 57:2-6, 11  "Have mercy on me, God, have mercy."  I take refuge in you.  Save me.  Be exalted, O merciful, faithful God.
  • Mk 3:13-19  Jesus summoned the Twelve and they came to be with him and be sent to preach...
Pope Francis
  • Homily:  David chooses dialogue and peace over killing Saul.  Follow the path of reconciliation Jesus taught and showed; be the bridge.  Be humble, even after an argument.  Be flexible.  Resentment grows like weeds and isolates us; build dialogue as soon as possible!  David defeated hatred with humility; follow his example.
Technology makes us more connected, but divisions remain.  The scandalous rich/poor gap remains and doesn't even unsettle us.  Our world suffers from exclusion, marginalization, poverty, and economic, political, ideological, and religious conflicts.
Media can help us feel unity and inspire us to ensure a more dignified life for all.  Good communication helps us grow closer and know each other better.  Walls can be broken down if we listen, learn, and resolve differences through dialogue, understanding, and respect.  Give and receive.  The internet offers immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity; this is good, a gift from God.
The inclusion of the poor in society:  Our faith in Christ, who became poor, and was always close to the poor and the outcast, is the basis of our concern for the integral development of society’s most neglected members.  (4.II, 186, p. 147) 
    • Creighton:  We see mercy when David spares Saul, when we forgive, when we contemplate God's love, when we care for the sick or poor, when we think of others before ourselves.
    • RC.net:  In the Twelve Jesus chose ordinary people.  To what is God calling me now?
    St. Francis de Sales
    • Universalis:  Preacher, reformer, spiritual guide, patron of writers and journalists:  Religious devotion perfects.  Make people more holy by making them more themselves.  To preach effectively, preach with love.

    • "People" tie pin:  Saul's and David's armies (1st reading), the apostles (gospel)
    • Technology tie (disregard that it's outdated :-):  WCD message
    • "Medical" pin:  St. Francis de Sales, 'doctor' of the Church
    Dress your life!

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