June 14, 2014

June 14

June 14, 2014:  Saturday, 10th Week, Ordinary Time

Wordle: Readings 6-14-14
  • 1 Kgs 19:19-21  Elijah threw his cloak over Elisha.  Elisha / Elijah:  “Let me kiss my father and mother goodbye, and I will follow you.” / “Go!”  He left and followed Elijah.
  • Ps 16:1b-2a, 5, 7-10  "You are my inheritance, O Lord."  Lord, my portion and cup, you hold fast my lot, and I take refuge in you.  I set you before me and won't be disturbed.  I rejoice and am confident; you won't abandon me.
  • Mt 5:33-37  “You've heard, 'Don't take a false oath, but make good to the Lord all you vow,' but I tell you, don't swear at all.  Let your ‘Yes’ mean yes and your ‘No’ no; anything more is from the Evil One.”
Pope Francis
  • Pope Francis:  Modeling the ministry of St. Peter from Australian Bishops Conference and Broken Bay Institute:  
    • Simon son of John, do you love me? A rock of faith and a stumbling block/ Most Rev. Timothy Costelloe, SDB, Archbishop of Perth
    • Pope Francis: Seeking the wisdom of women/ Sr. Monica Cavanagh, RSJ, Congregational Leader, Sisters of St. Joseph
    • The dream of a warm, merciful, missionary and discerning Church/ Rev. Noel Connolly, SSC, Head of Mission & Culture, Broken Bay Institute
    • Pope Francis shows a new way of exercising the papacy/ Rev. Gerard Kelly, President, Catholic Institute of Sydney
    • Pope Francis, Master Communicator/ Selina Hasham, Communications Manager, Archdiocese of Sydney
    • Panel and closing prayer
    • Creighton:  “God is my inheritance”:  God loves me so much that he gives himself to me.  May I surrender to God's call like Elisha did.
    • DailyScripture.net:  To be true to oneself and others takes character and commitment.  God is source of truth; his word of truth sets us free.  St. Thomas Aquinas:  People couldn't live with one another if there were not mutual confidence that they were being truthful to one another... one person owes it to another to manifest the truth.
    • Passionist:  Jesus demands honesty and straightforwardness.  Our word is our bond.
    • Universalis:  St. Davnet, St. Lidwina.  Author G. K. Chesterton (not a canonized saint):  “The Devil made me a Catholic.”  “A Ballade of a Suicide” celebrates the salvific value of the ordinary; “The Man who was Thursday” (audiobook) narrates the fight for sanity and ponders the paradox of God; “Orthodoxy,” written before he became Catholic, highlights orthodoxy as equilibrium point between heresies.

    • "Hand" pin:  "With the Lord at my right hand I shall not be disturbed" (psalm)
    • White and black keyboard T-shirt:  "You can't make a single hair white or black; let your Yes mean yes and your No no" (gospel)
    Dress your life!

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