April 18, 2015: Saturday, Second Week of Easter
- 'Kneeling person' tie bar: The Apostles prayed over Stephen et al. (1st reading)
- 'Bass guitars' tie: Give thanks to the Lord on harp and lyre (stringed instruments :-) (psalm)
- 'Eyeball' pin: The Lord's eyes are on those who fear and hope in him (psalm)
- 'Boat' tie bar: The disciples embarked in a boat... (gospel)
- 'Walker' tie pin: They saw Jesus walking on the sea (gospel)
- White shirt: Easter season
- Thanks to God for my Redeemer/ Storm (really): lyrics+ (gospel)
- My hope is built on nothing less/ Mote: lyrics+ (gospel)
- Psalm 33: Lord, let your mercy/ Dufford: sheet music, more (psalm)
- Sing a new song (Psalm 33)/ Hughes
- Acts 6:1-7 “Brothers, select 7 filled with the Spirit and wisdom for us to appoint to distribute food.” They chose them; the Apostles prayed and laid hands on them. The word of God spread and the community kept growing.

- Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19 "Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you." Exult in the Lord; his word is upright and works trustworthy. The Lord sees, delivers, and preserves those who fear and hope in him.
- Jn 6:16-21 The disciples embarked in a boat and went across the sea stirred up by a strong wind. After a few miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea coming near: “Don't be afraid.” The boat immediately arrived at their destination.
- One Bread One Body: Early Church community life "grew" spiritually mature men to take on the role of distributing food; community life fosters growth and maturity in Christ. Growing is not only a matter of working but also climate; community is the climate in which a Christian can grow.
Christ at the Sea of Galilee/ Tintorello |
- Passionist: Fear can be the enemy of faith. Doubt often accompanies faith; it can be disturbing, but we shouldn't get anxious about it. Fear can paralyze us, turn us from trust, and prevent us from thinking clearly and acting with courage. Fear can arise from ignorance, superstition, or facing aggression or the unknown; though it can paralyze, it can also warn us about danger and save us. There's also fear of intimacy and self-surrender; it works against our best interests and deepest desires and can also be at work in our spiritual life and keep us far from God’s love or consign Jesus to be a distant friend. Live close to "It is I; don't be afraid," trusting that Jesus is near, even during our storms; his Spirit already lives in us and prepares his way. Don't fear intimate sharing with him; if he's present to, with, for, and in us, we have little to fear.
- DailyScripture.net: Those experienced fishermen feared for their lives, and Jesus' surprise appearance walking on water scared them even more! "Don't be afraid; I'm here with you!" When we experience darkness, fear, or trials, the Lord may seem absent or distant, but he's present and close, "a very present help in trouble" who will "bring us to our desired haven." Do you rely on the Lord for strength and help? Do I respond to calamities with faith and hope?
- Saints, via Universalis:
- Bl. ("Mother") Marie-Anne Blondin, religious, Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Anne foundress, victim of injustices, example of self-denial and forgiveness. “The deeper a tree sinks its roots into the soil, the greater are its chances of growing and producing fruit.” “May the Holy Eucharist and perfect abandonment to God’s Will be your heaven on earth.” “God will know well how to discern the false from the true and to reward each one according to his deeds.” “There is more happiness in forgiving than in revenge.”
- St. Laserian (Molaise), abbot, priest
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