November 12, 2015: St. Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr
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See 9 connections with today? Legend below |
- Be Thou my Vision/ Forgaill: traditional (Slane), Rutter (1st reading)
- Holy Wisdom/ Michaels: lyrics+; tune: Hail, Holy Queen (1st reading)
- They'll know we are Christians/ Scholtes (St. Josaphat)
For the psalm
- Blessed are those that be undefiled/ Tallis: lyrics+
- That man is blest who, fearing God: lyrics+
- Lord, you have done well with me (Psalm 119)
- Lord, I love your commands/ Celoni
- Psalm 119:137-144 : That I may live/ Silver
- Sung Scripture: Psalm 119:137-144/ Silver
- 11 Psalm 119 songs by Isaac Watts (of Joy to the world fame)
- 4 more Psalm 119 songs by Jason Silver
Pope Francis
On the vocation/mission of the laity: Vatican II led to a new way of looking at the vocation and mission of lay people within the Church and the world. It considers the laity as Christ’s disciples called to animate every place and activity in the world according to the spirit of the Gospel.
To India's Eucharistic Congress: "The Eucharist is the commemoration of Christ and his love for the Father, and for everyone, a love unto death meant to live in every heart." The Eucharist nourishes us; it "actualizes the Covenant that sanctifies, purifies, and unites us with God. Thus we learn the Eucharist is not only a reward for the good but also strength for the weak and sinners. It's forgiveness and sustenance to help us on our journey."
People need nourishment, not just to satisfy physical hunger. We hunger for love, immortality, affection, care, forgiveness, and mercy; these hungers can be satisfied only by the Bread from above. Jesus is the Bread that gives life. His body offered for us and his blood shed for the pardon of our sins are available to us in the Eucharist. But the Eucharist does not end with partaking the Lord's body and blood; it leads us to solidarity with others. Communion with the Lord is communion with our brothers and sisters, so those fed by Christ's body and blood can't remain unaffected when they see others suffering want and hunger. Those nourished by the Eucharist are called to bring gospel joy to those who haven't yet received it, hope to those in darkness and despair. “In the Eucharist the Lord makes us walk on his road of service, sharing, and giving; and if it's shared, the little we have and are becomes riches, for the power of God, the power of love, transforms poverty."
To Jesuit school alums: The dynamic tension the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius seeks to develop in the exercitant becomes a distinctive element in the charism of the Jesuit and a those formed by Jesuit education. It's threefold: between heaven, earth, and the one experiencing it; like electrical tension, it makes it possible for power to do its work in and through a medium attuned to it. This is how the Church desires former Jesuit students to be: a tension created by their faith in God, and this faith is to be in tension with what's happening in the world today.
ReadTo Slovakia bishops: The Slovak people should maintain their cultural identity and ethical and spiritual values, so they may contribute to sincere and fruitful dialogue, including on such issues as the dignity of human life and the role of the family. We must assume an attitude of mutual respect in favor of encounter. Develop a new evangelization with a new language, to make it easier to understand Christ’s message. Appreciate young people, the hope of Church and society. They want to serve others and work for solidarity; show them guidance and confidence so it becomes a living encounter with Christ and a project to spread the Gospel. They don't let difficulties intimidate them; when presented with life's true meaning, they'll commit themselves unreservedly....
- Wis 7:22b–8:1 Wisdom is intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, agile, clear, unstained, certain, not baneful, loving good, keen, unhampered, beneficent, kindly, firm, secure, tranquil, all-powerful, all-seeing, pervading all spirits, mobile, pure, penetrating and pervading all things, an aura of God's might, an effusion of the Almighty's glory, the refulgence of eternal light, mirror of God's power, image of his goodness. Nothing sullied enters her. She perdures, can do all things, renew everything, pass into holy souls, produce friends of God and prophets. She's fairer than the sun and surpasses every constellation of stars. She takes precedence over light. Wickedness doesn't prevail over her. She reaches and governs all things well.
- Ps 119:89-91, 130, 135, 175 "Your word is for ever, O Lord." You've established the earth, and it stands firm. All things serve you. Your revelation sheds light and gives understanding. Shine on your servant; teach me your statutes. Let me live to praise you. May your ordinances help me.

- Lk 17:20-25 “The coming of the Kingdom can't be observed; no one will announce, ‘Here it is.’ God's Kingdom is among you. You'll long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you won't see it. Some will tell you, ‘There he is,’ but don't run in pursuit. As lightning lights up the sky, so will the Son of Man be, but first he must suffer and be rejected.”
- Fr. Paul Griesgraber's ACC homily podcast: "Coach Wisdom" prepares us for God. St. Josaphat reconciled versions of wisdom, transcended boundaries, paid the price.
- Creighton: When confronted with challenging decisions, we often pray for wisdom. Today’s first reading informs us about Wisdom's characteristics; the clues may help our discernment. As we seek the peace of the Spirit, in our process of discernment we might identify how we're thinking and feeling with an eye towards seeing the characteristics of a wise heart, mind, and spirit....
- One Bread, One Body: "Wise up:": We must be wise to be friends of God, live in God's love, and defeat wickedness. Isaiah prophesied the Messiah and his people would have "a spirit of wisdom." Christ crucified is God's power and wisdom. Fools often think they're wise, so we need more than our opinion to prove we're wise. Are we ready for the end of the world like the wise virgins? Do I cry out, "Marana tha!" ("Come, Lord!")?...
- Passionist: “Wisdom, the fashioner of all things taught me”: We learn wisdom not by “osmosis” but “theosis,” becoming Christ, becoming a likeness of God, by reflecting on the past and where the Lord has led me. When you row a boat, you sit backwards; the focus gives you direction. Activity for God is willingness to be an instrument of “theosis.” Wisdom is a gift to be given away. The “fruits” of our passing on wisdom are not for us to measure. God's kingdom isn't coming with things that can be observed. God's Kingdom is among us, in the building of communion among all, bringing justice. Where will I reveal God’s presence today? Row that boat of prayer.
- "The coming of Christ's kingdom": Jews watched for a sign to indicate when the Messiah would appear. The Pharisees' question was to test Jesus; he surprised them by saying God's kingdom was already here. He spoke of the coming of the kingdom as both present and to be manifested at the end of time. They understood the "Day of the Lord" as the time God would manifest his power; it also meant judgment: the repentant would be saved and the Lord's enemies punished. In Palestine's climate, storms were unexpected. With no warning lightning filled the sky, striking terror in those who tried to flee. Jesus warned the Son of man would also come unexpectedly to bring judgment; no special sign will be needed, and all will recognize him as clearly as lightning. Jesus identified himself with the "Day of the Lord." "Son of man" was a title for the Messiah. Jesus points to when he'll return to complete the work of restoration and judgment. When he does, it'll be unmistakable to all. Jesus said he's the one sign that would point to the Day. In him we see the power and glory of God's kingdom. He knew the only way to victory was through the cross on which he defeated sin and death and opened the way for us to live as God's children and citizens of his kingdom....
St. Josaphat |
- Universalis: St. Josaphat, bishop, Ruthenian-Roman reconciler, martyr
Dress legend
- Red shirt, 'blood drop' pin: St. Josaphat's martyrdom
- 'Owl' tie pin: Wisdom... (1st reading)
- 'Eyeball' pin: all-seeing... (1st reading)
- 'Car' tie pin: ...and mobile,... (1st reading)
- '[Christmas] lights' tie: ...the refulgence of eternal light,... (1st reading)
- 'Star' tie pin: ...surpassing every constellation of stars (1st reading)
- 'Lights' tie: The revelation of your words sheds light (psalm); as lightning lights the sky, so will the Son of Man be (gospel)
- 'Eyeball' pin: You'll long to see a day of the Son of Man (gospel)
- 'Runner' tie pin: Don't run in pursuit (gospel) [oops; forgot to put this one on, so I didn't count it]
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