July 3, 2014


July 3, 2014:  St.Thomas, Apostle

    The incredulity of St. Thomas
    (de Rossi)
  • Eph 2:19-22  You're no longer foreigners but fellow citizens with the members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of Apostles and prophets, with Christ as capstone, who holds the structure together and who builds you into a dwelling place of God.
  • Ps 117:1bc, 2  "Go out to all the world and tell the Good News."  Praise the Lord for his kindness and fidelity!
  • Jn 20:24-29  The other disciples / Thomas/Didymus:  “We've seen the Lord.” / “Unless I put my finger into his nail marks and my hand into his side, I won't believe.”  Jesus returned when Thomas was with the other disciples.  Jesus / Thomas:  “Peace be with you.  Thomas, put your finger here, see my hands, and put your hand into my side; believe!” / “My Lord and my God!” / “You believe because you saw?  Blessed those who haven't seen but still believed.”

Wordle: Readings 7-3-14
Word cloud from today's readings
*See yesterday for how to hear these.
    • Creighton:  We, like Thomas, want self-assuring experiences, but doubting is part of believing.  See FAQ.
      The incredulity of St. Thomas/ Caravaggio
      (for Sunday gospel)
    • One Bread One Body:  Thomas's conversion was a great miracle because he was strong/self-reliant. In weakness God's power can be perfected; in strength, it may seem unnecessary.  Jesus showed he can convert anyone—so there's hope for me....
    • Passionist:  People call him "doubting Thomas," but he professed great faith.  Jesus invited him with, "Peace be with you."  I have doubts about how God could use me, but God can use us all.  Jesus, show me the truth.  If we believe "we're being built into a dwelling place for God," we can "go out to all the world and tell the good news," changing the world with God's crazy love.
    • Universalis:  St. Thomas, first apostle to call Jesus God.

    • "Stone" tie pin:  built upon the foundation... with Christ as capstone (1st reading)
    • "Olympics" pin:  "Go out to all the world and tell the Good News." (psalm) [a stretch, but it was either this or an airplane]
    • "Hand" tie pin:  “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands... and put my hand into his side, I won't believe.” (gospel)
    • "Question mark" tie pin:  Thomas's initial doubt (gospel)
    • "Key" tie pin:  Jesus returned, though the doors were locked (gospel)
    • "Peace sign" tie bar:  “Peace be with you.” (gospel)
    • "Eyeball" tie pin:  “You believed because you saw me?  Blessed those who haven't seen and have believed.” (gospel)
    • Red in shirt:  color of today's feast (per ordo)
    • Tie with flags in anticipation of Independence Day

    San Damiano Cross:  Damian begins a new phase of life today; please pray for him.  The  cross that inspired St. Francis to rebuild [the Church] is a great sign, and today's celebration of Thomas's faith is a great day...

    Dress your life!

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