July 4, 2014: Friday, 13th week, Ordinary Time
Independence Day
- Am 8:4-6, 9-12 You who trample upon the poor say, “When can we sell our grain and display the wheat? We'll diminish the measuring containers, add to the weights, and cheat with our scales! We'll buy the poor and sell even the wheat's refuse!” God: "I'll make the sun set at noon, turn your feasts to mourning and your songs into lamentations, cover you with sackcloth and make you bald, make you mourn, and bring your day to a bitter end. I'll send famine, not of bread but my word." You'll search for the word of the Lord but not find it.
- Ps 119:2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 131 "One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." Blessed all who seek and follow God. I long for your precepts; let me not stray, and give me life.
- Mt 9:9-13 Jesus said to Matthew, “Follow me,” and he got up and followed. Pharisees, seeing tax collectors and sinners sitting with Jesus: “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” Jesus: “The well don't need a doctor; the sick do. I didn't come to call the righteous but sinners.”
- America the beautiful/ Bates
- God bless America/ Berlin
- My country 'tis of thee (America)/ Smith
- God bless the USA/ Greenwood
- Thy word/ Grant (psalm)
- Creighton: Jesus came for the poor, rejected, and oppressed–and to teach solidarity to the privileged. On July 4, let's heed America the Beautiful's lyrics and “crown thy good with brotherhood,” joining Jesus in embracing the rejected.
- One Bread One Body: Once we learn the meaning of "I desire mercy, not sacrifice" (Mt 9:13), our worship changes. After Mass, we can follow and share Jesus, say thanks, show mercy...
- Passionist: Justice, the 'language' of the Word of God, transcends human languages; God's words are of justice, equity, compassion, and consequences. Evil hardens hardens hearts, deafening them to God's whisper and the Spirit's wind, bringing a famine of hearing God's word: not living in accord with God's ways alienates and closes people to God's nourishment. Jesus calls for mercy, asking us to love and for each other.
- DailyScripture.net: What did Jesus see in Matthew—a yearning heart ready to follow him?
St. John Chrysostom: Why didn't Jesus call Matthew when he called Peter, John and the rest? He came to each when he knew they'd respond. He called Matthew when he knew he'd surrender. Similarly, he called Paul when he was vulnerable, after the resurrection, like a hunter, for he who knows our hearts and minds knows when we're ready. Jesus waited till his fame spread and he knew Matthew had been softened for full responsiveness. (Homily XXX.1)
Divine physician Jesus sought those in greatest need, when others were> so preoccupied with their 'religion' that they neglected people who needed help. Ironically, the 'righteous' were as needy as those they neglected.
- Universalis: St. Elizabeth of Portugal set up hospitals and orphanages, endured infidelities, died making peace; see also Catholic Encyclopedia.
- "Wheat" pin: When can we sell our grain? (1st reading); >"One doesn't live by bread alone..." (psalm)
- "Baseball in mitt" tie pin: "Go 'out' to all the world" (psalm) (assuming fly ball caught; it's OK to groan :-)
- "Ruler" tie bar: We'll cheat with our measures (1st reading)
- Sandals (not shown): we'll buy the poor man for a pair of sandals (1st reading)

- "Penny pincher" button: “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors?” (gospel)
- "Medical" pin: “Sick people need a doctor" (gospel)
- "Flag" tie; red, white, and blue shirt and suspenders: Independence Day
Guest dresser: Sally Secci Scuderi
Green nails for Ordinary Time, with her comment, "There's nothing ordinary about Ordinary Time." I agree: Looking beyond the ordinary
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