July 27, 2014: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12 Lord in dream / Solomon: “Ask something of me and I'll give it to you.” / “Lord, you made me, your servant, king, but I don't know how to act. Give me an understanding heart to judge and distinguish right from wrong.” God, pleased: “Because you asked for this—not long life, riches, or your enemies' life but understanding—I give you a heart more wise and understanding that anyone before or after you.”
- Ps 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-130 "Lord, I love your commands." Your law is precious to me. Let your kindness comfort me. I observe your wonderful decrees. Your words give understanding to the simple.
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"Treasure chest" from words of today's readings (tagul.com) |
- Rom 8:28-30 All things work for good for those who love God, whom he foreknew, predestined to be conformed to his Son, called, justified, and glorified.
- Mt 13:44-52 “The kingdom of heaven is like buried treasure a person finds then buys with all he has. The kingdom is like a merchant who finds a fine pearl then buys it with all he has. The kingdom is like a net thrown into the sea which when full of fish is hauled ashore; what's good is put into buckets, and the rest is thrown out. At the end of the age, angels will separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the furnace.”
Pope Francis
- Homily: Have the courage to say no to corruption and lawlessness. To inherit the Kingdom, put God first. Jesus' presence transforms us, makes us sensitive to others' needs, and invites us to accept everyone, including foreigners and immigrants. Giving primacy to God means having the courage to say no to evil, violence, and oppression; to serve others and favor lawfulness and the common good. When you find God, the true treasure, you leave behind selfishness and seek to share God's love. You become a friend of God, love others, safeguard their lives and well-being, and respect the environment and nature. This requires everyone to be servants of the truth and live a Gospel-inspired life, manifested in self-giving and attention to the poor and excluded.
- Be thou my vision/ Forgaill tr. Byrne/Hull: Irish, traditional/SlaneB, Rutter setting (v.2: "Be thou my Wisdom...," 1st reading)
- For the gospel:
- I found the treasure,B from Walking the Sacred Path and The Steadfast Love/ Schutte
- Jesus, priceless treasure/ Franck tr. Winkworth
- Ye glittering toys of earth, adieu/ Steele; see CMD for alternate tunes, listening tip
- I've found the pearl of greatest price!/ Mason
- For the 2nd reading (see Oct. 31 for more/background)
- I am persuaded/ Hettenhouser
- If God is for us/ Carr
- If God be for us, from Messiah/ Handel
- If God is for us/ Foley
- God is working for our goodB/ Hayes
- On our side/ Tomlin, Cash, Reeves
- I am convinced/ Brown, Doerksen
- Who shall separate us/ Worzel (lyrics)
- For psalm
- Lord, I love your commands/ Celoni (see note for today's text)
- Lord, you have the words/ Haas (Ps 19 but similar theme)
- Lord, you have the words/ Haugen (also Ps 19)
- Ang katawan ni KristoB/ Manolo (sample sheet music)
- Lead me, LordB/ Becker (sample sheet music)
- NEW See Tuesday for a sweet interpretation of today's gospel.
- Creighton: Understanding (1st reading) and knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom (gospel) are God's gifts. The kingdom is something we seek and have joy around when we find it; it's priceless. It's present in Jesus' ministry and ours to one another; understanding it is a gift from God. Imagine how Jesus would use a current object to describe the kingdom, e.g., “The kingdom is like this telephone; it connects you to everyone no matter who or where they are.” May my life be a living sign of the kingdom.
- One Bread One Body: The cost of discipleship is everything.
- Passionist: One can get disillusioned and cynical by an "Anything Goes" (Cole Porter, 1934) attitude, anesthetized by infidelity, tragedy, and terror. Gandhi: "When I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love always wins. Tyrants and murderers seem invincible but in the end fall." There's hope! Hope isn't blind optimism (wishful thinking) but is grounded in reality. Jesus says the Kingdom must be our priority; the world tells us we can have many, but we can only have one. Every choice is a renunciation; that helps explain why we struggle to make choices (St. Thomas Aquinas).
- DailyScripture.net: The Kingdom is the greatest possible treasure: God. Selling all to obtain this treasure could mean losing friends, job, lifestyle, free time.... Treasure is connected to desire, will, and focus. / As a dragnet takes in all kinds of fish, flotsam, and jetsam, the church gathers all comers; net and church don't discriminate. God's kingdom is open to all....
- Universalis: If not trumped by Sunday: Bl. Titus Brandsma, Carmelite, philosophy prof, journalist, anti-Nazi, martyred at Dachau. Bl. Robert Sutton, convert, priest, martyr; before execution, he spoke of the candle given at baptism and the hour of death and said he lived and died in the light of the Catholic faith.

- 'Owl' tie pin, 'scales of justice' pin: give me an understanding heart to judge your people and distinguish right from wrong (1st reading)
- Gold- and silver-colored accessories: Your law is more precious than gold and silver (psalm)
- 'Pearl' tie bar: When the merchant finds a pearl of great price, he sells all he has and buys it. (gospel)
- '[Inter]net tie: "the kingdom of heaven is like a net thrown into the sea..." (gospel)
- 'Fish' pin: "...which collects fish of every kind." (gospel)
- 'Angel' pin: The angels will go out and separate the wicked from the righteous (gospel)
- Green shirt (and in tie and suspenders): Ordinary Time season
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