March 31, 2014: Monday, 4th week of Lent

- Is 65:17-21 I will create new heavens and a new earth. There shall be rejoicing and happiness; I create Jerusalem to be a joy and its people a delight. No longer shall there be weeping; they'll live in their houses and eat the fruit of their vineyards...
- Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-12a, 13b "I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me." Sing praise and give thanks: his anger lasts but a moment; a lifetime, his good will.
- Jn 4:43-54 When a royal official heard Jesus had arrived in Galilee, he went and asked him to come heal his son. Jesus / official: “Unless you see signs, you won't believe.” / “Sir, come down before my child dies.” / “Go; he'll live.” He believed and left. The boy began to recover at that time; he and his household came to believe.
Pope Francis
- Homily: Before God asks anything of us, He promises joy, so journey in hope and trust. What type of Christian am I?
- At spiritual standstill, weak in hope, or...
- ...Not taking God seriously, wandering aimlessly: ask for grace to head off again on the journey towards the promises of our faith.
- Took wrong turn and lost way: God gives grace to repent and return.
- True believer who follows the promises of faith, like official in gospel
Don't stop, lose your way, or wander through life.Reflections
- Creighton: The official who begged Jesus to save his son was granted the miracle because of his faith. Loving parents worry about their children and wish for the best. Parents (and others), believe, and ask God for what you need.
- One Bread One Body: True joy depends on one thing: "Is it God's will?" We can't always feel good but can always obey God and so rejoice.
- Passionist: "Happiness is not having what you want. It is wanting what you have." [Rabbi Hyman Judah Schachtel, The Real Enjoyment of Living, 1954] God wants us to be happy, joyous, and free.
- The official had to swallow his pride to go twenty miles to reach Jesus the carpenter, and to return to his family with only Jesus' word. Jesus' healings show his extravagant love. Where do I need healing, pardon, or change?
- Amazing grace/ Newton (Sunday gospel); see Feb. 19 for more
- I am the light of the world/ Hayakawa: lyrics/buy (Sunday gospel)
- Be thou my vision/ Forgaill tr. Byrne/Hull: Irish, traditional/Slane, Rutter setting
- Awake, O sleeper/ Ndolo (Sun. 2nd reading)
- Out of darkness/ Walker (Sun. 2nd reading)
- Wake, awake, for night is flying (Wachet auf...)/ Nicolai tr. Winkworth: other arrangements (Sun. 2nd reading theme)
- Cantata 140/ Bach (Sun. 2nd reading theme); note Nicolai's tune at 16:25.
- Psalm 23: The Lord is my Shepherd/ Crandal (psalm)

- "Grapes" pin: ...and eat the fruit of the vineyards they plant (1st reading)
- "Castle" pin: They'll live in the houses they build... (1st reading); I'll dwell in God's house (Sun. psalm)
- "Vote" sign: "Unless you see signs... you won't believe" (gospel)
- Tie with crowns: David anointed king (Sun. 1st reading)
- "Hearts" suspenders: the Lord looks into the heart (Sun. 1st reading)
- "Eyeball" tie pin: blind man's sight restored (Sun. gospel)
- "Question mark" tie pin: Pharisees' questioning of man born blind and his parents (Sun. gospel)
- Rose shirt: color of Laetare Sunday
Dress your life!
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