October 18, 2014: St. Luke, Evangelist

- Singing our lives to God with Tony Alonso sheds light on deep questions on liturgical music.
- I will lift up my eyes/ Tony Alonso
- Pull me through/ Tyrone Wells
- Their sound is gone out, from Messiah/ Handel (psalm)
- How lovely are the messengers, from St. Paul/ Mendelssohn (St. Luke, based on Rom 10:15)
- Come with me into the fields/ Dan Schutte (gospel)
- Psalm 145: I will praise your name/ Haas (IMHO works better as responsorial psalm than his original; related version) (psalm)
- Sing praises to the Lord and bless his name/ Moore (psalm)
- Psalm 145: Your friends make known/ Celoni (Robo-sung lyrics) (psalm)
- 2 Tm 4:10-17b Demas, Crescens, and Titus deserted me; only Luke is with me. At my first defense no one appeared on my behalf; may it not be held against them! But the Lord stood by me and gave me strength, so that through me the proclamation might be completed.

- Ps 145:10-13, 17-18 " Your friends make known, O Lord, the glorious splendor of your Kingdom." You are just, holy, and near, and your Kingdom endures.
- Lk 10:1-9 Jesus appointed and sent 72 disciples: “The harvest is abundant but laborers few; ask the harvest master to send laborers. Go; I send you like lambs among wolves. Carry no money bag, sack, or sandals. Cure the sick, and say, ‘The Kingdom of God is at hand for you.’”
Friends are such an important part of the journey! Over the years, I have discovered the gift and blessing of walking with friends that inspire and guide through their wisdom, commitment, humility, love, and faith. I cherish those relationships founded in truth and fidelity that liberate you to move beyond fear into a life of ministry that often requires sacrifice and encounters resistance. Letting go of plans and careers that seem more certain and secure to embrace a path that is unknowable at the onset and demands an inner strength must be supported by relationships that nurture the resolve to continue through the storms.
It encourages me to know that Luke and Paul encountered on their way, a friendship that empowered them to continue to answer their own calling. What would our Church look like without the Gospel of Luke, Acts, and all of the Pauline works? Paul and Luke followed their path and shared with humanity the good news of God's love and mercy bringing us the hope offered through Jesus Christ! I imagine that at some point on their journey they faced defining moments.
I will lift up my eyes by Tony Alonso offers pilgrims on the journey an anthem to move beyond fear and dare to walk where God may lead. Often, my journey finds me on the freeways of Los Angeles and I pray this song as I am driving. It's a lovely duet that only God will ever hear! I am lifted from my fears and doubts as I listen to my dear friend share his prayer and conviction that we follow the path set before us with great trust in God.
Recently, I have returned to full time ministry work and I have been blessed with colleagues that are generous of heart. The following prayer is one we have prayed in the San Gabriel Pastoral Regional office. The prayer reflects the spirit of Paul in 2 Timothy and calls us to humbly seek to be selfless and welcome the peace of Jesus to into our lives.
I offer a special prayer for the San Gabriel Regional Congress, "ABUNDANT LOVE" happening right now.
Prayer in Union with Jesus
Lord Jesus,
grant me the grace to empty myself
and be filled with your love, peace,
patience, compassion, mercy,
forgiveness, and understanding.
Let every beat of my heart
and every breath that I breathe be for you.
Let every word that I speak
be reflective of you.
Let every glance I give be a mirror of you.
Let every hand I touch feel your gentle care.
Let every step I take be on your path toward Your light.
Let every word of praise I may receive
be directed to you in humble thanksgiving.
Let every angry word
said to me or against me
be returned with words of love and mercy
not anger and revenge.
Let every desire I have be for you.
Let my will conform to yours.
Touch every cell of my body, Lord,
and make me the person, the servant, you want me to be. Amen.
- Creighton: Luke's discipleship led him to spread the Good News he received. 2 steps to evangelization from today's readings: (1) Open yourself to a relationship with God: “Your friends make your Kingdom known.” Be friends with God, or there's nothing to “make known.” Teach with faith, not about it. (2) Build healthy relationships: Jesus asked his disciples to trust, offer peace, accept hospitality, build a strong relationship with a household, and heal the sick. Only then can they say “The Kingdom is at hand” and be heard. The 1st, practical, reading shows everything isn't profound.
- One Bread One Body: "Catholic Workers" Work; over 4 billion don't know Jesus Christ, and almost 2 billion need to grow in holiness. Luke gave up a good job as doctor...
- Passionist: Our age is one of journeys; we usually make preparations, know our itinerary, and have a home to return to. Jesus sent his disciples to unknown places, but their ‘home' is in him, and he prepared them for a radical, open-ended mission. They're encouraged to foster peace and be stable and committed, not flit between places or people, so the kingdom can grow. Healing is central to missionary presence; we can heal by kindness, respect, encouragement, support, and forgiveness. There are dangers, and we may feel powerless, but Jesus asks us to stand firm.
- DailyScripture.net: The harvest Jesus had in mind was not only the gathering of Israel, but all nations. Be a sower of God's word of peace and mercy; speak and witness in God's name. Jesus gave instructions about how to minister. Do I witness to Gospel truth and joy by word and example?
- Universalis: Luke was a Greek doctor who converted to Christianity. He was a companion of Paul and wrote his gospel in accord with his teaching. He wrote Acts to narrates early Church history. He explained Jewish customs and words to Gentile readers.
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