October 20, 2014: Monday, 29th week, Ordinary Time
- 'Ruler' suspenders: "You once lived following the 'ruler' of the power of the air." (1st reading)
- 'Sheep' tie bar: "We're God's people, the flock he tends." (psalm)
- 'Wheat' pin: "I'll build larger barns to store my grain..." (gospel)
- I didn't wear my 'money' tie so as not to mislead interviewees, but it fits the rich man parable (gospel)
- For the gospel
- My barns are full, my stores increase (The Worldling)/ Newton (of Amazing grace fame): pick a Common Meter tune
- Bigger barns are what I need/ Gillette: tune: Aberystwyth (or another 77.77D)
- Money, money, money/ Abba (rich man's perspective)
- I found the treasure/ Schutte
- For 1st reading
- Your grace is enough/ Maher
- For the psalm [more info: Sept. 6]
- All people that on earth do dwell/ Kethe, Vaughan Williams
- Jubilate Deo/ Peeters
- We are God's people/ Haas: older, newer
Light and grace shine from encounters between spouses. The love of man and woman teaches us that each needs the other. The encounter begins with courtship and is realized in the sacrament where God sets his seal, presence, and grace. The path includes sexual relationship, tenderness, intimacy, and beauty capable of lasting beyond youth. Conjugal love that lays life down for the beloved is a most beautiful, and common, miracle. Love spreads through generativity, not only procreation but also baptism, catechesis, education, and offering life, affection, and values. Families can become a sign for all. The journey can have hardships and falls, but God accompanies us; families experience God in affection, dialogue, family prayer, listening to God's Word, and educating children in the faith. The family is a domestic Church that expands to become the Church. Charity to the poor, needy, lonely, sick, strangers, and families in crisis expresses communion. We've reflected on how to accompany the divorced and remarried and on their participation in the sacraments because the Eucharist sums up the threads of communion with God and neighbor at the table where God gives himself to us. Concluding prayer
Synod Fathers' message: Married life is a miracle, relationships are complex, and the Christian choice is not always the obvious one. Lights and shadows are in every heart and home. We aim to offer consolation and encouragement, to give hope to families in difficult situations while promoting family life's riches and beauty. Our message touches the challenges of marital breakdown, sickness, bereavement, poverty, unemployment, conflict, persecution, and exploitation. We call on governments and organizations to promote the rights of the family. We need to be a house with open doors to welcome people in every situation. Family values are being threatened. We don't have all the answers, but we're committed to finding pastoral approaches based on Scripture, tradition, and openness. We have disagreements, but so did the first disciples...
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- Eph 2:1-10 You were dead in your sins, following the wishes of the flesh like we did. But God brought us to life with Christ and seated us in heaven to show his grace and kindness. You've been saved through faith, not works; it's God's gift. We're created in Christ for good works.
- Ps 100:1b-3, 4-5 "The Lord made us, we belong to him." Sing to and serve the Lord God who made us. He is good, kind, and faithful.
- Lk 12:13-21 "Guard against greed; life isn't possessions. Rich man without space to store harvest / God: 'I'll build larger barns to store my goods, then say, “You're set!"' / ‘Fool, tonight your life will be demanded of you. Whose will your stuff be then?’ If you store treasure for yourself but aren't rich in what matters to God, it'll be like that for you."
- Fr. Chris Bazyouros homily podcast: Faith is gift, not possession; faith/works connection
- Creighton: The rich landowner was saving for a rainy day! We too seek security and can forget the harvest isn't ours. Paul: it's not what we've done for God but what God's done for us. Planning can give a false sense of autonomy vs. dependence on God and others. Whose we are matters more than what we have: "the Lord made us, we belong to him."
- One Bread One Body: Prefer sharing to saving for yourself.
- DailyScripture.net: St. Augustine: Greed wants to divide; love, to gather. “Guard against greed” means “fill yourselves with love.” He said, “Tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me”; we, “Tell him he may have my inheritance.” (Sermon 265.9; see also Sermon 57) Jesus faults the rich man for his selfishness, not his hard work or ability to acquire wealth. In giving we receive; those rich towards God are rewarded. St. Cyril of Alexandria: Life isn't from possessions. Those rich toward God are blessed and have hope: they love virtue, are content with what they have, share with the poor, comfort the sorrowful, lay up treasure in heaven, and will be repaid with interest.(Commentary on Luke, Homily 89) Where's my treasure?
- Universalis: BB. Daudi Okelo, Jildo Irwa, Ugandan catechists, martyred at 16 and 12
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