August 2, 2015: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

- 'Angel' pin: People ate the bread of angels (psalm)
- 'Wheat' pin: Bread from heaven (1st reading, psalm), miracle of loaves (gospel)
- 'Seal' pin: God set his 'seal' on the Son of Man (gospel)
- 'Signs' tie: "What sign can you do, that we may see and believe in you?" (gospel)
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time season
- All who hunger, gather gladly/ Dunstan: HOLY MANNA tune (sheet music), 3 more settings (A, B, C), about (1st reading)
- Table of plenty/ Schutte: one-man a cappella multitracked, sheet music (gospel)
- Look beyond/ Ducote (gospel)
- I am the bread of life/ Toolan (gospel)
- Taste and see/ Moore
- NEW Psalm 78: The Lord gave them bread from heaven/ Celoni (set for St. Bede 5:30pm Mass)
- Transsubstantiation/ Alexander, parody of Revolution (Beatles) (gospel-inspired)
- Ex 16:2-4, 12-15 Israelites to Moses: “You led us into this desert to make us die of famine!” Lord to Moses: “I've heard the grumbling. I'll rain down bread from heaven. Tell them, 'You'll eat flesh and bread, so you may know that I am your God.' In the evening quail covered the camp, and in the morning flakes like hoarfrost appeared on the ground.
- Ps 78:3-4, 23-24, 25, 54 "The Lord gave them bread from heaven." The Lord rained manna for food. People ate the bread of angels, and he brought them to his holy land.
- Eph 4:17, 20-24 Don't live in futility like the Gentiles. Put away the old self of your former ways, be renewed in your minds, and put on the new self, created in God’s way.

- Jn 6:24-35 Jesus / crowd: “You're looking for me not because you saw signs but because you ate the loaves. The Son of Man will give you food that endures; God set his seal on him.” / “How can we accomplish the works of God?” / “Believe in the one he sent.” / “What sign can you do, that we may believe? Our ancestors ate manna in the desert.” / “My Father, not Moses, gave the bread from heaven.” / “Give us this bread always.” / “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me and believe will never hunger or thirst.”
- Creighton: "I will find you": Egypt was the only home the Israelites knew; they were hungry and angry crossing the desert behind bumbling leaders. Moses told them, “This is the bread the Lord has given you to eat.” In our 'desert,' our treasure may disappear for a while. We must bid farewell to our old self, but the destination is unclear. In our journey into the unknown, may we leave behind the familiar with courage. Our true treasure is from above without our earning it; may we welcome the gifts of faith, family, friends, work, and world.
The Jews gathering the manna in the desert/ Poussin |
- One Bread One Body: "More than miracles": Jesus, in the context of the miracles of the loaves and of walking on water: "My flesh is real food and my blood real drink." Despite the miracles, "many broke away"; only those the Father drew and taught in the Spirit believed. To believe in Jesus in the Eucharist, we need Jesus' miracles, the Father's teaching, and the revelation of the Spirit.
- Passionist: John 6 opens with the miracle of the loaves and fishes. In today's reading, the crowds track Jesus down. and Jesus suggests they came for more food and tells them to seek the food that leads to eternal life and believe in the one God sent. They ask for a sign like Moses' manna, and Jesus tells them, “My Father is the one who gives you the true bread, what comes down from heaven and gives life.” They ask, “Give us this bread always”; he says, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me and believes will never hunger or thirst.” John, in the longest text of the four gospels, puts the emphasis on the “openness” of the Eucharist, vs. the Jewish ritual meal. Jesus shows the Eucharist as supernatural nourishment for eternal life. Dismantling the barriers of Jewish prescriptions, he invites all seekers....
- Many sought Jesus because he offered them bread from heaven. He asked them, are you looking for food that perishes or food that gives eternal life? Isaiah: "Why spend your money for what's not bread, and your labor for what doesn't satisfy?" Only the Lord can satisfy the hunger in our heart for truth, life, and love. Jesus said we must do the works of God: believe in the Son he sent. Jesus offers a new relationship with God with new life, sacrificial love, service, forgiving others, holiness, purity, truth, obedience, trust, peace, and happiness....
- Sunday-trumped saints, thanks to Universalis
- St. Eusebius of Vercelli, bishop, first to live in community with his priests, fought Arianism.
- St. Peter Julian Eymard, Marist priest, founded Priests of the Blessed Sacrament; see Wikipedia.
- Jesuits celebrate St. Peter Faber today.
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