August 11, 2015: St. Clare, virgin

- 'Rock' tie pin: "The Rock–how faultless his deeds, how right his ways!" (psalm)
- 'Clock' tie bar: Reflect on the days of old, the years of age upon age. (psalm)
- 'Children' tie: “Unless you turn and become like children..." (gospel)
- 'Angel' pin: "Their angels in heaven look upon my Father's face" (gospel)
- 'Sheep' tie bar: If you have 100 sheep and one goes astray,..." (gospel)
- White shirt: color of St. Clare's memorial (see ordo, or even broken Catholic Calendar)
- Orange suspenders, "C3 Tech Conference/Resource Specialist" T-shirt (on back): "uniform" of C3 Resource Specialists at C3 Tech Conference starting today
- Stars and stripes forever/ Sousa: march, for Dt 31:6 (love those piccolos) [Here they are doing Sousa's Washington Post march; back up both to hear the history.]
- Standing at the portal/ Havergal: lyrics+ (v. 2 = 1st reading; used for New Year's)
- There were ninety and nine/ Clephane: lyrics+ (gospel)
- Like a shepherd/ Dufford (gospel)
- Come as a child/ Yantis (gospel)
- Angels/ Grant (gospel: guardian angels "watching over them")
Interview with Secretariat for Communications Secretary / VIS director Msgr. Ruiz: What contribution is Pope Francis offering the “inhabitants” of social networks? What challenges does the digital culture pose to the Church, and what challenges does the Church pose to digital culture?
ReadThe fundamental point is dialogue: there must be dialogue among people, and Pope Francis seeks to use and highlight the usefulness of technology to facilitate authentic dialogue. Don't be afraid of new technologies and ways to say what the Church has said throughout history. The Church has always accompanied culture and used great cultural phenomena to transmit the Gospel and the person of Jesus, to generate an encounter with the Lord. Our challenge is to grasp the [digital] reality in a way that bridges the digital divide; we're invited to seize and live the cultural challenge.
- Dt 31:1-8 Moses to Israelites: “I'm now 120 and can no longer move freely; besides, the Lord told me that I won't cross this Jordan. The Lord will cross before you and destroy these nations; Joshua will, as the Lord promised. Be brave and steadfast; don't fear or dread them, for the Lord marches with you and will never fail or forsake you.” To Joshua: “Be brave and steadfast; bring this people into the land the Lord promised them; give them their heritage. The Lord marches before you; he'll be with you and never fail or forsake you, so don't fear or be dismayed.”
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The stray (animate) |
- Dt 32:3-4ab, 7-9, 12 "The portion of the Lord is his people." Proclaim God's greatness, deeds, and ways! Think back....
- Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Disciples: “Who's greatest in the Kingdom?” Jesus, placing child in their midst: “Unless you turn and become like children, you won't enter the Kingdom. All who become humble like this child are the greatest in the Kingdom, and whoever receives one in my name receives me. Their angels look upon my Father's face. / If a man has 100 sheep and one goes astray, won't he leave the 99 to find it? If he finds it, he rejoices more than over the other 99. In the same way, your Father doesn't want any of these little ones to be lost.”
- Creighton: Moses’ and Jesus’ call to move forward with trust is challenging, especially when people prey on our innocence. Change isn't easy; moving forward requires effort and potential risk. Many decisions are made to avoid an adverse outcome vs. a sense of following our call. St. Clare lived out the call. Lord, give me renewed trust in you, help me avoid unrealistic expectations, help me to forgive and understand instead of judge, and give me courage to follow your call.
- One Bread One Body: "Vulnerable": We're tempted not to "change and become like children" because they're vulnerable, but Jesus gives his children protection: "Whoever welcomes a child for my sake welcomes me"; he also provides them guardian angels. Jesus the Good Shepherd protects his little ones; it's not part of the "Father's plan that a single one... be lost." When we forgive others or love our enemies, Jesus will fight for us and give them victory one way or another. May I be vulnerable, turn the other cheek, and discover my divine Protector.
St. Clare of Assisi (Episcopal Sr. Dorothy-Anne) |
- Passionist: Is "becoming like little children" regaining simple acceptance of the mystery of our faith?
- Children in the ancient world had no rights, position, or privileges; they were socially at the bottom and at their parents' service like domestic servants. Jesus elevated a child by placing him in a position of honor, at his right. The lowly are greatest in God's kingdom; they recognize their dependence on God their father, teacher, and provider who leads them peace, joy, and life. / Shepherds normally counted their sheep daily. Since sheep are social, an isolated one can become bewildered. The shepherd's anxiety is turned to joy when he finds and returns a stray. Do I pray and seek after those I know who have lost their way?
- Universalis: Clare of Assisi, noted contemplative, began a community that grew to become the Poor Clares, radically attached to poverty. See Catholic Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
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