August 13, 2015: Thursday, 19th week, Ordinary Time
- 'Lamb' tie bar: When Israel came forth,... the hills skipped like lambs (psalm)
- 'Clock' tie bar: "Be patient with me, and I'll pay you back" (gospel)
- 'Money' tie: 1st debtor owed lots of money (gospel)
- 'Penny' button: Fellow servant owed only a small amount (gospel)
- 'Kneeling person' tie bar (still in shop; see here): Fellow servant fell to his knees and begged for patience (gospel)
- 'Girl with heart' pin: My father will hand you over unless you forgive others from the heart (gospel)
- Red tie background: martyrdom of SS. Pontian and Hippolytus
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time season
- Prayer of St. Francis/ Temple: typical, brighter, meditative, saxy (Vanacore's version?) [but it's not St. Francis's text] (gospel)
- I then shall live/ Gaither, Sibelius (end of Finlandia protest); lyrics (gospel)
- Song of reconciliation/ Ashton; lyrics (gospel)
- The reconciliation song/ Chapman; lyrics (gospel)
- If you believe and I believe/ Zimbabwe trad. (gospel) [note steel drum]
- God, how can we forgive?/ Duck: lyrics+ (gospel)
- Forgive our sins as we forgive/ Herklots: about (gospel)
- Look it up/ Presley, Orrall: country song with verse (at 1:57) about how hard it is for us to forgive ("forgiveness.... It's what Jesus has in store for you, but I never will...") This Bailey/Lowe cover avoids the original's bad language. Lyrics+ (gospel)
- Come over into Canaan land/ Byers: lyrics+ (1st reading)
- Jos 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17 Lord to Joshua: “I'll exalt you in the sight of all Israel, that they may know I am with you. Command the priests to stop in the Jordan when you reach the edge.” Joshua to Israelites: “Come listen to the Lord. This is how you'll know God is in your midst. The ark of the covenant will precede you. When the priests' feet touch water, it'll cease to flow.” The people started to cross, with the priests carrying the ark; then the waters halted. The people crossed over. The priests remained motionless till the nation had crossed.
- Ps 114:1-6 "Alleluia!" When Israel came forth from Egypt, Judah became his sanctuary. The sea fled, Jordan turned back, and mountains and hills skipped. Why?....

- Mt 18:21–19:1 Peter / Jesus: “How often must I forgive my brother? 7 times?” / “No; 77. The Kingdom is like a king who decided to settle accounts. He ordered a debtor who owed him a huge amount to be sold, with his family and property, but the servant did him homage: ‘Patience! I'll repay you!’ Moved, the master forgave the loan. The servant left and throttled a fellow servant who owed him less: ‘Pay me back!’ He knelt and begged, ‘Patience! I'll repay you!’ But he refused, had him put in prison till he paid him back. His fellow servants saw, were disturbed, and reported it to the master, who summoned him: ‘Wicked servant! I forgave you because you begged me. You should have taken pity!’ He handed him over till he repaid the debt. So will my Father do to you, unless you forgive...”
- Creighton: St. Hippolytus, whom (with St. Pontian) we remember today, formed a schismatic group after Pope Callistus, earning him the title "1st antipope." He scorned Callistus for his leniency. Reunion came when the emperor arrested both. and Pontian resigned to make way for a new pope. Peter wasn't the last pope to have difficulties with forgiveness! Mature Christians embrace understanding, compassion, and forgiveness. Pray the Our Father.
- One Bread One Body: "Exaltations": The Lord exalts Christian parents so their children will listen and be disciples. The Lord exalts godly workers so they'll affect the world with the Gospel. The Lord exalts humble pastors so people will follow them. The Lord exalts us by doing miracles through us. Moses called down plagues and drowned the army. Joshua stopped the Jordan so the Israelites could enter the land. Paul spoke of performing "signs,... wonders, and deeds of power." The Lord exalts those who exalt him, not themselves. Humble yourself; change the world.
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Ark of the covenant |
- Passionist: Forgiveness is hard, but unforgiveness causes so much pain. We can be in such bondage to hurt that we don't see its toxicity. “Pain not transformed is transmitted.” The servant who can't repay his master is at his mercy, and he's forgiven, as God forgives us. Was he so disconnected with the mercy he received so as not to be merciful to others? Are we?
"Forgiveness is an act of the will, not a matter of feelings" (Fr. Eamon Tobin, How to Forgive Yourself and Others); this is in line with Jesus’ words. He goes on: forgiveness is a process to rid ourselves from hurt from what someone did to us, spiritual surgery we perform on ourselves with God’s grace to be freed from the venom we feel, and a gift we give ourselves so we don't remain stuck in the past. When we forgive, we're no longer victims. Forgiving doesn't surrender our right to justice. We don't have to forget; some hurts teach us. We might still have negative feelings towards the offender. The best response to mercy is to bring mercy to others. We must move towards reconciliation....
- Amos speaks of God forgiving three times but warns God may not revoke punishment the 4th; Peter's question about seven was more generous. Jesus made it clear there's no limit, driving the lesson home with the parable. No offense another can do compares with my debt to God. After receiving God's mercy, we must show mercy to all who have offended us. If we expect God to show us mercy when we sin, we must let go of resentments, grievances, and ill will. Jesus teaches us to pray for the grace to forgive as God has forgiven us. "Judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy." Mercy is the flip-side of justice, seasoning, following, and perfecting it. "Mercy will flower only when it grows in the crannies of the rock of justice: transplanted to the marshlands of humanitarianism, it becomes a man-eating weed..." (C. S. Lewis). Lord, help me show mercy....
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SS. Pontian and Hippolytus |
- Today's saints, thanks to Universalis
- SS. Pontian and Hippolytus, priests and martyrs, reconciled pope and antipope; see Catholic Encyclopedia on Pontian and Hippolytus.
- St. Fachtna (Fachanan) of Ross, bishop
- Bl. William Freeman, priest, martyr: "I came here to die for my faith, the true ancient and Catholic faith."
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