August 8, 2015: St. Dominic, Priest
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See nine links between the outfit and today's readings?Legend below |
- Open your ears, O faithful people (formerly God has spoken to his people)/ Jabusch: lyrics+ (1st reading)
- Find us faithful/ Mohr: lyrics, another rendition, about (1st reading)
- Remember me (the God who saves)/ Gillette, to O WALY WALY tune (1st reading and beyond)
Pope Francis
To Eucharistic Youth, at end of “So that my joy may be in you”-themed centennial EYM/MEJ gathering: The world has many ugly things; we're at war. But there are also many good and beautiful things, and so many hidden saints. God is present, and there are so many reasons to hope and go forward. Be courageous, and go forward!
EYM, the youth arm of the Apostleship of Prayer, seeks to teach life in Jesus’ way through a loving relationship with him. It prepares the young to live as Christian adults, committed to serving others in an unjust and secularized world. (MEJ = Mouvement Eucharistique des Jeunes or Movimiento Eucarístico Juvenil)
- Dt 6:4-13 Moses: “The Lord alone is our God! Love the Lord with heart, soul, and strength. Take these words to heart; drill them into your children; speak of and display them everywhere and always. When you eat your fill in the land the Lord promised you, don't forget the One who delivered you. Fear and serve the Lord, your God.”
- Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51 "I love you, Lord, my strength," rock of refuge, fortress, deliverer, shield, horn of salvation, stronghold, and savior! Praised be the Lord! I'm safe. Extolled be You who gave victories to your king and showed kindness to your anointed....

- Mt 17:14-20 A man, kneeling before Jesus: “Lord, have pity on my son. Your disciples couldn't cure him.” Jesus: “How long will I endure this generation? Bring him to me.” Jesus cured him; the demon came out. Disciples / Jesus: “Why couldn't we drive it out?” / “Too little faith. If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, nothing will be impossible for you.”
- Creighton: Once I retired, I became even more distracted, but when I went on a mission trip to Haiti, I was focused, seeing how the people loved God and each other and were happy. It's not easy to get away from distractions, hear God’s voice, and grow in faith, but when you're with someone all the time, you hear and understand them better. May I let God settle my heart, help me focus, and grow my faith.
- Passionist: If faith is God's gift, why does Jesus admonish his apostles about their faith? It’s up to us to make sure faith takes root and is tended. Is he asking what they're doing with their faith? Jesus says that with a little more faith, we could work miracles. We grow our faith by prayer, sacraments, spiritual reading, and loving God and each other. / The Israelites are told to love the Lord, then told how. The time sequence suggests they're being prepared for a time it'll be harder to love God, when they'll have their fill to eat. When we have much, we might be preoccupied with getting more and so find it harder to make room for God. To have faith that cures, forgives, evangelizes, and grows, we must love God completely.
- Jesus' response to the disciples seems stern but shows compassion; he tells them faith makes everything possible. ("Remove mountains" was an expression for removing difficulties; teacher who could solve difficulties were called "mountain removers.") If we pray with faith, God will give us the means to overcome obstacles....
- Dominic founded Order of Preachers (Dominicans), lived in poverty; see Catholic Encyclopedia.
- Mary of the Cross, 1st Australian canonized saint, founded 1st free Catholic school in Australia, founded Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart; see Wikipedia.
Dress legend
- 'Commandments' tie (1st reading)
- 'Hearts' suspenders: Love the Lord with all your heart; take these words to heart (1st reading)
- 'Hammer' pin: 'Drill' these words into your children (tool substitution, for 1st reading; doesn't "Hammer these words..." have the same sense?)
- '[Kentucky] sign' pin: Bind these words at your wrist as a sign (1st reading)
- 'Rock' tie pin: Lord, my rock of refuge,... (psalm)
- 'Shield' tie pin: shield (psalm)
- Blue shirt: Often my son falls into water (gospel)
- 'Car' tie pin: Jesus 'drove' the demon out (gospel)
- 'Kneeling person' tie bar (in for repair, so see here): "A man knelt before Jesus..." (gospel)
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