August 24, 2014

21st Sun. in Ordinary Time

August 24, 2014:  21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Peace be with you all! Hi, it is Sally Scuderi again! I have decided to continue my piece on Dressing for Liturgies.  I know it is not Advent, but I wish to talk about how my choirs and I show our solidarity with the liturgy in other ways than choir robes and song.  BTW..... song is very, very important to all of us, and I would be remiss not to mention that we sing a variety of different kinds of Sacred Music for all our liturgies. 

So: Advent:..... Every year we put on a version of Lessons and Carols, on Gaudete Sunday, that I wrote the script for as a graduate student at St. Michael's College in Colchester, Vermont in 2008.  Each person speaks in costume and in the voice of various people from the Bible... from Eve to St. John the Evangelist.

The choir and instrumental soloists sing and play various Advent and appropriate music between readings.  This picture illustrates how they are dressed.... matching Advent Gaudete Raspberry Scarves and Ties.

This is a way for the laity to feel that they are dressing to celebrate the seasons and it just makes us different, especially at Advent, from the madness of secular Christmas.  We love the anticipation and we so wonderfully celebrate the joy that is coming our way with the Incarnation. We also ask the parish family to join in our celebration by wearing pink or raspberry.  I have been in this particular church for 17 years, so they really get into the joy of each liturgical season.

And here is my little addition to the fun:

I hope you all have a great Autumn and that the coming liturgical year is one of peace, joy and love. And remember:

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