August 7, 2014

Aug. 7

August 7, 2014:  Thursday, 18th week, Ordinary Time

  • Jer 31:31-34  I will make a new covenant with the houses of Israel and Judah, not like the one their ancestors broke after I led them from Egypt.  I'll write my law on their hearts; I'll be their God, and they my people.  They won't need to teach others how to know the Lord because all shall know me; I'll forgive and forget their evildoing.
Wordle: Readings 8-7-14
  • Ps 51:12-15, 18-19  "Create a clean heart in me, O God."  Give me back the joy of your salvation.  I'll teach transgressors your ways.  You won't spurn my sacrifice, a contrite spirit and humble heart.
  • Mt 16:13-23  Jesus /disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” / “John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or another prophet.” / “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter / Jesus:  “The Christ, Son of the living God.” / “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah; my Father revealed this to you.  You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church.  I'll give you the keys to the Kingdom.  What you bind/loose on earth shall be bound/loosed in heaven.”  Jesus began to show them he must suffer, be killed, and be raised. “God forbid, Lord!” / “Get behind me, Satan!  You're are thinking not as God but as human beings.”
Pope Francis
  • To Knights of Columbus convention:  Your theme, ‘Our Vocation to Fraternity,’ is important:  the Church is called to be a community of brothers and sisters who accept and care for one another, serving as leaven of reconciliation and unity for the whole human family.  Your charitable work should reflect the love of Christ, at work in his body, the Church.  By dwelling in that love, we see those we serve as brothers and sisters, respect their innate dignity, and venerate Jesus in them.  In giving we receive; our works open us to a transforming encounter with the Lord.
    Threats to marriage and family call for vigilance, consistent public witness, and convincing presentations of Christian moral teaching with a sound vision centered on human dignity and the correct use of freedom.  The family is the ultimate teacher of that fraternity which unites and builds society on the foundations of respect, justice, mercy, and truth.  Thanks for defending the role of religion in the public arena, encouraging lay people to shape a society reflecting Christian values, educating people in faith and civic responsibility, and supporting the upcoming Synod on the Family and World Meeting of Families.  Keep reaching out to others, especially the poor and disadvantaged.
    • To Latin American family congress:  Theme: "Family and social development for full life and missionary communion."  The family is a "center of love," where respect and communion reign against worldly "centers of power" and the person is integrated in a human group.  No one's discarded.  Family is great "social wealth," contributing stability and fertility.
      • Loving, faithful family relationships are society's fabric, prerequisite for community open to others and for service to the needy.
      • Family love is fruitful, not only generating new life but also making us believe coexistence based on respect and trust is possible.  The family doesn't reduce humanity to utilitarianism but channels our deep desires.
      Thanks to family love, we grow in openness to God as Father.  The family isn't both object and agent of evangelization, reflecting God's image and allowing us to see human love as a sign of God's love and presence.  It's important to encourage families to cultivate healthy relationships, say "forgive," "thanks ," and "please," and turn to God as Father. 
        • Creighton:  What's new about the new covenant Jeremiah prophesied?  That God will instill his law in our hearts.  God made us to be happy to know, love, and serve him, but we must aspire to and pray and work for that.
        • One Bread One Body:  Jesus founded his Church on Simon Peter, a simple fisherman and implied it would be victorious not by inflicting suffering and death but by sharing in his own.
        •  Peter's name in Aramaic and Greek means 'rock.'  To call Peter a 'rock' was a great compliment; rabbis said God exclaimed upon seeing Abraham, "I discovered a rock to found the world upon."  Peter was the first apostle to recognize Jesus as the Anointed One (Christ/Messiah) and the Son of God.  Faith in Christ makes us rocks or spiritual stones.  The Lord Jesus asks today, "Who do you say I am?"
        St. Cajetan, priest, servant of poor and sick, reformer, founded Theatines to preach, administer the sacraments, and celebrate the liturgy:  “Don't receive Christ in the Blessed Sacrament to use him as you judge best, but give yourself and let him receive you in this Sacrament, so that he ... may do to and through you what he wills.” (letter to Elisabeth Porto)  See Catholic Encyclopedia.
        • About "binding and loosing" (gospel, original in future perfect despite English translations), linked to Sacrament of Reconciliation, see my August post, including exegetical links, related speculations.  [Bonus:  links to online resources for comparing and exploring original and translated Bible texts]

        • 'Hand' tie pin:  I made a covenant with your ancestors when I took them by the hand and led them out of Egypt, but they broke it (1st reading)
        • 'Hearts' suspenders:  "I will write my law on their hearts" (1st reading); "Create a clean heart in me." (psalm)
        • 'Question mark' tie pin:  Jesus asked:  “Who do people say the Son of Man is?”  “Who do you say I am?” (gospel)
        • 'Rock' tie pin:  "You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church" (gospel)
        • 'Keys' tie pins:  "I'll give you the keys to the Kingdom of heaven." (gospel)

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