August 5, 2014
Tuesday, 18th week, Ordinary Time
Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major
- Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22 Lord to Jeremiah: Write: Incurable is your wound; There's no remedy, healing, or relief. I struck and punished you; why cry out? I've done this because of your sins, but I will restore the tents of Jacob; city shall be rebuilt and palace restored. There will be laughter and songs of praise. I will glorify them and punish the oppressors. You shall be my people and I your God.
- Ps 102:16-18, 19-21, 29, 22-23 "The Lord will build up Zion again, and appear in all his glory." The nations shall revere you when the Lord has rebuilt Zion, appeared in his glory, and regarded the prayer of the destitute. The Lord looked down and heard the prisoners' groaning.
- Mt 14:22-36 (= yesterday's) Jesus made the disciples get into a boat then went to pray. When waves tossed the boat, he walked on the sea toward them. Seeing him, they were terrified: “It's a ghost!” Jesus / Peter: “Don't be afraid.” / “Lord, if it's you, command me to come to you.” / “Come.” He walked on the water toward Jesus but became frightened and started to sink: “Lord, save me!” Jesus, catching him: “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” They got into the boat, and the wind subsided. “Truly, you're the Son of God.” At Gennesaret, people touched his cloak and were healed.
- or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14 Pharisees and scribes / Jesus: “Why do your disciples break elders' tradition, not washing their hands before eating?” / “It's not what enters one’s mouth that defiles you but what comes out.” Disciples / Jesus: “They took offense at what you said.” / “Every plant my Father didn't plant will be uprooted. Let them alone; they're blind guides of the blind. If a blind man leads a blind man, both fall.
- From heaven the Lord looks down/ Nestor (psalm)
- Let Zion and her sons rejoice/ Watts; pick a tune from the 76.76-meter section here (psalm)
- The Lord has heard and answered prayer; pick a Long Meter/LM tune here (psalm)
- What vain desires and passions vain/ Watts; pick a Common Meter/CM tune here (psalm)
- Psalm 102 Eastern chants: Orthodox Channel, Byzantine in English, Romanian, Angelopoulos choir...
- Turn your eyes upon Jesus/ Lemmel (gospel)
- Precious Lord, take my hand/ Dorsey (gospel)
- How can I keep from singing?/ Lowry (gospel)
- Creighton: If I, stuck in a rut, think my wound is incurable, I can take consolation in Jeremiah's prophecy: good news comes. God will rebuild and restore; the covenant will be renewed. In the gospel, the storm signifies loss of control. When Jesus appears to us, we like the disciples may not be sure it's Jesus, but he asks us to trust him and not let fear take over. We may test Jesus like Peter did, but if we focus on the storm instead of Jesus, like Peter, we sink; love, sacrifice, courage, service, healing a relationship, getting through the daily routine, become too much. Cry to Jesus like Peter.
- One Bread One Body: The Lord revealed his "incurable" people would be restored through obedience. Peter was called not just to look to Jesus but to follow him. We look to Jesus as servants to a master. As Jesus' obedience changed the world
(Phil 2:6-11) , so can ours.
- Passionist: "You of little faith" Greek = Ὀλιγόπιστε (oligo-piste, little-faith). Peter gave up everything to follow Jesus and saw his many works. "Little faith" in Jesus, Peter himself, or both?
- Jesus urges his disciples to count the cost, but we as Peter can act on impulse. Peter clung to Jesus and grew in love and trust. Do I look for and rely on the Lord when I encounter difficulty?
Inside St. Mary Major basilica |
- Universalis: Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major ("Our Lady of the Snows"): The Rome basilica, oldest in the West dedicated to Mary, was built shortly after the Council of Ephesus proclaimed Mary as Mother of God; the title emphasizes Jesus was both divine but a man born of a woman. (St. Ignatius Loyola celebrated his first Mass there.) / Bl. Frédéric Janssoone, youngest of 13, Franciscan priest, military chaplain, preacher, fundraiser.

- 'Boat' tie: Jesus made the disciples get into a boat; Peter got out of it (gospel)
- 'Praying person' tie bar: Jesus went up on the mountain by himself to pray. (gospel)
- Blue shirt: sea (gospel), an d for Mary to whom the basilica was dedicated
- 'Hand' tie pin: Jesus stretched out his hand and caught Peter (gospel); "your disciples don't wash their hands" (alt. gospel)
- 'Plant' pin: "Every plant that my Father didn't plant will be uprooted." (alt. gospel)
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