May 17, 2014: Saturday, 4th week of Easter

- Acts 13:44-52 Paul and Barnabas: “We had to speak God's word to the Jews first, but since you reject it, and condemn yourselves as unworthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles. The Lord commanded us, I have made you a light to the Gentiles, an instrument of salvation to the ends of the earth.” The Gentiles were delighted, and the word spread, but the Jews stirred up a persecution....
- Ps 98:1-4 "All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God." Sing joyfully to God who's done wonders.
- Jn 14:7-14 “If you know me, you'll know my Father. Whoever has seen me has seen him. I am in the Father and he's in me. Whoever believes will do the works I do and greater ones. Whatever you ask in my name, I'll do.”
- To Apostolate of the Suffering and Silent Workers of the Cross: No one is spared suffering: from illness, loneliness, misunderstanding, or other reasons. Jesus assumed suffering in his flesh and lived it profoundly; he knew every type of affliction, moral and physical: hunger, fatigue, misunderstanding, betrayal, abandonment, flagellation, crucifixion. By saying, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted,” he didn't declare an unfortunate condition happy; suffering isn't a value in itself, but Jesus teaches us to live it with the right attitude. Don't live it passively, with inertia, resignation, rebellion, or rejection; accept its reality with trust, hope, and love of God and neighbor. Love transforms everything.
Your founder educated the sick and disabled to value suffering through apostolic action in faith and love: “The sick must feel they're the authors of their own apostolate.” A sick or disabled person can become support and light for others who suffer. Your suffering is scandal for, but also verification of, the faith, a sign God is Love, faithful, merciful, and Consoler. United to Christ, you're active evangelizers and instruments of salvation. Be close to the suffering of your parishes as witnesses to the Resurrection, to enrich the Church and collaborate with pastors, praying and offering your suffering. May Our Lady help you to live crosses and suffering with faith and love, together with Christ.
- Creighton: Philip asks Jesus to show them the Father; Jesus replies, “If you know me, you'll know my Father.” In Jesus we see love, compassion, concern for others, self-giving, forgiveness, humanity...
- One Bread One Body: To see Jesus is to see the Father. We too are made in God's image.
- The greatest thing we can know and possess is knowledge of God. We can know God personally. See Jesus; see God. Trust and believe; God will hear us.
- Piano pin, "children around the world" tie: "I've made you an 'instrument' of salvation to the ends of the earth.” (1st reading); "All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God." (psalm)
- "Dove" pin: "The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit." (1st reading)
- "Eyeball" tie pin: "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father." (gospel)
- Silverware" tie bar: First Communion at St. Bede is today
- White tie pin: Easter season
Dress your life!
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