May 27, 2014: Tuesday, 6th week of Easter / St. Augustine of Canterbury
- Acts 16:22-34 Paul and Silas beaten, imprisoned, earthquake-freed. Jailer: What must I do to be saved? Believe....
- Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8 "Your right hand saves me, O Lord." In the presence of the angels I'll sing your praise; you answered me and will complete your work.
- Jn 16:5-11 “I'm going to the one who sent me. It's better for you that I go so I can send you the Advocate to convict the world regarding sin, righteousness, and condemnation.”
- Monday homily: Here in the Upper Room the Church was born to go forth and with Christ's wounds and love set out. Jesus sent the apostles with the Spirit's power to renew the earth. The Spirit reminds us of everything and reveals its meaning. The Upper Room reminds us of...
- Service, of Jesus' example of washing feet, signifying welcoming, accepting, loving, and serving one another including the poor, sick and outcasts.
- Sacrifice: In the Eucharist, Jesus offers himself for us to the Father, so we may in union with him offer our lives, work, joys, and sorrows.
- Friendship: The Lord makes us his friends, giving us his very self and revealing God’s will to us. The most beautiful part of being a Christian is being Jesus' friend.
- Jesus' farewell and promise to return: “I'll come again and take you to myself.” Jesus doesn't abandon us but precedes us to the Father's house.
- Pettiness, curiosity, and betrayal: We can reawaken those attitudes when we look at someone with contempt, judge them, or sin.
- Sharing, fraternity, harmony, and peace: How much love and goodness has flowed from here! The saints drew from this source; the river of the Church’s holiness flows from the Heart of Christ, the Eucharist, and the Spirit.
- The birth of the Church, a family with Mary as Mother. Christians belong to this great family and find in it light and strength to press on amid life's difficulties. All are invited and called to be part of this family.
From here we go forth, impelled by the Spirit's life-giving breath. Gathered in prayer with the Mother of Jesus, we live in constant expectation of a renewed outpouring of the Spirit.
- Psalm 138 - With All my heart I Thank you, Lord/ Vermeulen-Roberts, Vos of The Psalm Project; sheet music
- Psalm 138/ Haik-Vantoura, from Music of the Bible Revealed (Hebrew with translation); sheet music
- One Bread One Body: "Paraclete" = "defense lawyer." Jesus: "I'm leaving tomorrow and sending a lawyer"; apostles' grief is understandable.
- Do I allow the Holy Spirit free reign to set me free from sin and inflame me with God's love?
- Passionist: We won't see till we believe. Proclaim the Good News with compassion, mercy, promise, hope, and tenderness.
- Universalis: St. Augustine of Canterbury, archbishop, traditions-respecting evangelizer

- "Abacus" tie pin: looks like prison bars (1st reading)
- "Sword" pin: "Jailer drew his sword" (1st reading)
- "Hand" tie pin: "Your right hand saves me, O Lord." (psalm)
- "Angel" pin: "In the sight of the angels I'll sing your praise" (psalm)
- "Phone" pin: "When I called, you answered me" (psalm)
- "Dove" pin: "If I go, I'll send the Advocate to you" (gospel)
Dress your life!
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