May 20, 2014: Tuesday, 5th week of Easter / St. Bernardine of Siena
- Acts 14:19-28 Some Jews stoned Paul and assumed him dead, but when disciples gathered around him, he got up and left to proclaim the good news elsewhere. They returned and exhorted the disciples to persevere in the faith: “It is necessary to undergo hardships to enter the Kingdom.” They appointed presbyters, commended them to God, proclaimed the word on the road, then called the Church together to spend time with the disciples and report on what God had done and how he opened faith's door to the Gentiles.
- Ps 145:10-13ab, 21 "Your friends make known, O Lord, the glorious splendor of your kingdom." Let your works give you thanks and your faithful ones bless you.
- Jn 14:27-31a “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you, not as the world gives. Don't let your hearts be troubled or afraid. Rejoice that I'm going to the Father. The ruler of the world is coming, but he has no power over me. The world must know I love the Father and do as he has commanded.”
- Homily: The peace the world gives is superficial; it may offer some calm or joy but only to a point. Don't trust the "peace" of wealth; thieves can steal wealth. "Peace" of power or vanity doesn't work either: a coup or turn of sentiment can take it away; think about the change from Palm Sunday to Good Friday.
The peace Jesus gives is a Person, the Holy Spirit! On the day of Resurrection, Jesus' greeting was, "Peace be with you. Receive the Holy Spirit." When the Spirit is in us, no one can remove his peace. Safeguard it; it belongs to Another who gives it, One in my heart who accompanies me through life. We receive it at Baptism and Confirmation, like a child who receives a gift with an open heart. Safeguard the Spirit and ask for his help. If you have this peace, if you have the Spirit and are aware of it, don't let your heart be troubled. Paul said we must pass through trials to enter the Kingdom, but the peace of Jesus, the Spirit's presence, puts our heart at peace—not anesthetized, but aware and at peace!
- Peace give I to thee/ Houser (gospel)
- Peace I leave/ Hart, Hipp (gospel)
- Peace, my friends/ Repp (gospel)
- The peace Jesus offers is more than absence of trouble; it conquers our fear and anxiety. Caesarius of Arles links it with virtue: "Peace is serenity of mind, tranquility of soul, simplicity of heart, the bond of love, the fellowship of charity. It removes hatred, settles wars, restrains wrath, tramples on pride, loves the humble, pacifies the discordant and makes enemies agree. For it is pleasing to everyone. It does not seek what belongs to another or consider anything as its own. It teaches people to love because it does not know how to get angry, or to extol itself or become inflated with pride. It is meek and humble to everyone, possessing rest and tranquility within itself. When the peace of Christ is exercised by a Christian, it is brought to perfection by Christ. If anyone loves it, he will be an heir of God, while anyone who despises it rebels against Christ. When our Lord Jesus Christ was returning to the Father, he left his peace to his followers as their inherited good, teaching them and saying, 'My peace I give to you....' Anyone who has received this peace should keep it, and one who has destroyed it should look for it, while anyone who has lost it should seek it." (Sermon 174:1)
- Passionist: What commitment and perseverance Paul had to get up battered from being stoned and head out to preach!
- Universalis: St. Bernardine of Siena, priest

- "Stone" tie pin: "They stoned Paul and dragged him out" (1st reading)
- "Kneeling person" tie pin: "They commended them to the Lord with prayer and fasting" (1st reading)
- "Sailboat" tie bar: travel from Antioch/Iconium to Derbe, Lystra, Iconium, Antioch, Pisidia, Pamphylia, Attalia, and back to Antioch (1st reading)
- Tie with crowns: Your friends make known your kingdom's splendor. (psalm)
- "Peace sign" tie bar: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you." (gospel)
- "Hearts" suspenders: "Don't let your hearts be troubled or afraid." (gospel)
- White shirt: Easter season
Special greetings to and prayers for the community at
St. Bernardine Parish, School, and Preschool in Woodland Hills!
St. Bernardine Parish, School, and Preschool in Woodland Hills!
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