May 3, 2014: SS. Philip and James, apostles

- 1 Cor 15:1-8 I am reminding you of the Gospel I preached and you received; you're being saved as you hold fast. I handed on what I received: Christ died for our sins, was buried and raised, and appeared to Cephas, the Twelve, more than 500, James, all the Apostles, and me.
- Ps 19:2-3, 4-5 "Their message goes out through all the earth." The heavens declare the glory of God...
- Jn 14:6-14 “I am the way and the truth and the life.... If you know me, you'll know my Father. Whoever has seen me has seen him. I am in the Father and he in me. Whoever believes in me will do the works I do. And whatever you ask in my name, I'll do.”
- Canticle of the sun/ Haugen (psalm-inspired setting of St. Francis's canticle)
- The law of the Lord is perfect/ Mui (psalm)
Pope Francis
- To Catholic Action members re "New people in Christ Jesus, co-responsible for the joy of living," the disciples' joy in their encounter with the risen Christ. The joy needs to be internalized in a style of evangelizing capable of changing lives. Renew your missionary commitment, be open to the horizons the Spirit will show the Church, and be the living sign and expression of a rejuvenated lay apostolate. Parishes, especially those marked by fatigue and closures, need your apostolic enthusiasm, your availability, and your creative service.
- Creighton: The core of faith is commitment to a Person. To know about Christ is Christology; to know Christ is Christianity.
- Passionist: God sent his Son to save us. Christ who appeared to 500 after he rose wants to appear to me.
- Universalis: SS. Philip and James, apostles: Philip started as a disciple of John the Baptist. James, a cousin of the Lord, led the Church at Jerusalem, wrote an epistle, lived austerely, converted many Jews, and was martyred.

- Red shirt: martyrdom of Apostle James
- Crucifix: Christ died for our sins (1st reading)
- "Phone" tie bar and "Children around the world" tie: "Their message goes out to all the earth" (psalm)
Dress your life!
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