September 26, 2013: Thursday, 25th week, Ordinary Time
Saints Cosmas and Damian, physicians, martyrs
- Hg 1:1-8 Lord's word through Haggai: Should you to dwell in your houses while this house lies in ruins? Consider your ways! You've sown but brought in little, eaten but not been satisfied, earned wages for holey bag. Build the house that I may take pleasure in it.
- Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b "The Lord takes delight in his people." Rejoice, exult! Sing new song of praise to Lord with timbrel, harp, dance. Lord loves you, adorns with victory.
- Lk 9:7-9 Herod, perplexed on hearing, “John has been raised,” “Elijah has appeared,” “A prophet has arisen”: "Who is this?” and kept trying to see him.
King Herod's song, from Jesus Christ Superstar (original, revived) (gospel, freely construed :-)
Calendar resources
To find the day's celebration and readings, I used to use a printed "ordo" (short for Ordo Lectionum Missæ), but once weaned off that, I went to or build an address using a yyyymmdd-formatted date, such as, for today, URLs like the latter still partially work, but since many of their links no longer do (likely because the "cathcal" domain lapsed), I looked for alternatives and found these:
- USCCB's "Liturgical calendar" page links to a PDF for the year; the 2013 PDF (free) is 43 pages, spanning the 2013 liturgical year—from Advent 2012 to just before Advent 2013. Here's today's entry:
(452) references the Lectionary entry for today;
USCCB's "Daily readings" page, to which I link, shows it too.
The PDF's intro identifies the Sunday and weekday cycles (e.g., Year C, Cycle 1), gives the dates for each Liturgy of the Hours volume, and says there are local variations such as patron celebrations and date changes (such as for Ascension Thursday/Sunday).
- Universalis: For free you can view a day's info including links to Mass readings, Liturgy of the Hours psalms and prayers, and Saint bio; it's also mobile-friendly. You can also get the year's calendar (with some local adaptation such as the place of Ascension), add it to your Google calendar, or even get a vCal/iCal/.ics file to load to your Outlook or other calendar. (Go to Yearly calendar, select your country and calendar, then click at the bottom of the page.) If you pay about $30, you can also use their apps (Android, Windows, iOS, Mac) on all your compatible devices and keep them updated. Cheapskate that I am, I like their service (and licensing model) so much that I actually bought it. If you'd like to use my code, it's 6AF2-K22H-MX8E. Not really—I respect their work and hope they stay around. Just use their generous free trials and decide for yourself. (No, I don't get a commission. :-)
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"Houses" tie: build the house (1st reading) |
2nd month highlights

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